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Add pdf to left side paged menu

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/03/19 12:53 PM Views: 4130 Replies: 10
Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 12:53 PM

I have a pdf file that I want to put on a one button click in the left side member functions menu.

Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 4:23 PM - Response #1


What you want to do is currently not possible. You can create a new page and then place the link on the page (2 clicks instead of one)

With the responsive designs menus, you can put your own links on the page, but they still can’t be mixed in to the menus. The responsive designs allow a link in the bottom sections of the website.

Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 4:45 PM - Response #2

Thank you Kyle, just getting use to linking PDF’s now, it was just a thought. Can embed code be put in the source to make it a one click off the menu?

Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 11:02 PM - Response #3

Yes you CAN do what you want - 1 click from left side menu:

Example of how this works: (edit see below for slightly better method)
go to our home page,
go down to Yearbook & Newspaper, then
go down to 1961 Annual Senior Pictures

click that and a PDF loads/displays. User can manually download PDF into standard Adobe viewer if they desire.

This is the code used to this (replace with your pdf file and vary iframe height to whatever you want - what's there should work though)

[P.S. keep PDF files under 10MB. Usually graphic PDF files can be reduced in size by quite a bit. The one here is 30% of original size - hence the "compressed" name.]

I've temporarily disabled locking the pages - but will lock them again in a week or so.

Edit 2-20-2020 I've since found Another way to display a PDF file. 1961 Annual Senior Pictures uses THIS code now - avoid the issue where a user had modified their browser to use a different app

Edited 02/20/20 5:03 PM
Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 7:25 AM - Response #4

Hi, Can I add a PDF file within a page in the Event or Reunion planner? The PDF file is for printing a mail-in registration form. I did it on my 2010 reunion page, no problem. Am I missing something here adding the PDF file for my now 2020 reunion?

Edited 01/12/20 7:26 AM
Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 4:22 PM - Response #5

Linking to a PDF...

Uploading a non image document to the File Vault...

You first need to upload the document to the file vault and then link to it. To upload a non image documents to the File Vault, locate any page that has an Editor Window, such as by going to Edit Site Pages > Edit Page for Homepage.

1. What I typically do first is decide on where my link will be and what my link phrase will say. Type the link phrase into the editor window and use your cursor to highlight the phrase.

2. On the Editor Window, look for the Insert Link button (2nd row, 3rd from right). Click the Insert Link button and the Link window will appear. Click the Browse / Choose File button and locate your file on your computer. Once selected, press the Open / Select button and then you will need to click the Upload button to the right. The window should close, leaving your link phrase blue and underlined. This means that it is linked, however to test the link you must save the page and go to the actual page of the site to click the link.

Monday, January 13, 2020 at 2:01 PM - Response #6

The event planner has a editor if you choose Reunion Information it expands to show the editor.

Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 11:02 AM - Response #7

I have a need for this one-click option. But I don't understand the coding you show in your post. When I select my pdf from the vault, here is what I see in source code:


As a result, when I click on left menu, I see only a link to the file in the vault.

Your edit from 20-20-2020 includes a reference to Google docs. What's that all about? Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:14 PM - Response #8

We really don't offer a way to add that like of link to the left menu but rather to the co tent area of your page.

Uploading a non image document to the File Vault...

You first need to upload the document to the file vault and then link to it. To upload a non image documents to the File Vault, locate any page that has an Editor Window, such as by going to Edit Site Pages > Edit Page for Homepage.

1. What I typically do first is decide on where my link will be and what my link phrase will say. Type the link phrase into the editor window and use your cursor to highlight the phrase.

2. On the Editor Window, look for the Insert Link button (2nd row, 3rd from right). Click the Insert Link button and the Link window will appear. Click the Browse / Choose File button and locate your file on your computer. Once selected, press the Open / Select button and then you will need to click the Upload button to the right. The window should close, leaving your link phrase blue and underlined. This means that it is linked, however to test the link you must save the page and go to the actual page of the site to click the link.

Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:30 PM - Response #9

Hi Darleen,
As Scott has indicated it is not possible to open a link directly from a Menu item with one click. You can create a new page and put this link on it:


Example: Your text to link here...

Then include the page in your Left Side Navigation.

Click the Link below to see on a page

Your text to link here...

Edited 08/27/22 3:18 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 11:16 PM - Response #10

Interesting/ Yes it it possible. Earlier in 2019 I posted the code required to instantly and directly open and show a PDF as requested when link is clicked without having to click another link. There are FOUR ways to do this. Opera right now does not do qview. But the other browsers tested ok with all four methods. [I discovered this probably in 2012]

[Note: different browsers display PDFs differently.]

ALL the code shown is entered in SOURCE mode. Now when you click the page link with the code, it instantly shows the PDF without having to click another link.

This link has all examples using different code. The only issue with a simple iframe was explained earlier. A user can change the program used to view a PDF and the google approach fixes that issue. However, iframe is probably the simplest. Unless the user changes the viewer used - probably rare?

iframe code - simplest. Height is set to PDF size, and if too short, user just has to scroll a bit. Scrolling is demonstrated in page with all examples.

The source code in above you can also see how those were done. object code is shown above in earlier post, then there's embed,regular iframe, google qview and google iframe

I temporarily made the link active on the left side in JVSCRIPTS on the BOTTOM left. Click PDF - test I will disable that later though since it's not related to scripts.

Edited 08/27/22 11:23 PM
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