Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 7:16 PM
Putting the tissue down to share a wonderful connection made via my single and alumni class sites! Yesterday, I received the following Contact Us message on my single year site: "my brother was Mike (last name removed) who was killed in 1971,and wanted to see if there would any info or pictures of him that i could get,i know that he played baseball and was a pitcher,thank you for your time." I remembered an alum a year younger dated the brother (my classmate) and sent her a brief email from the alumni site: 'Do I recall you dated Mike?' The reply was yes. My reply was short yet being sure not to give out a name or email address of the sister who wrote. Today's reply overwhelmed me. Here is the complete reply: "What wonderful news Gwen. I would be honored to get in touch with (the sister). Please pass this note to (the sister) give her my email address – xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.net. (the sister), I started dating Mike xxxxxxxx .... when he was a senior and I was a junior. The weekend before he died he brought his (and Gwen’s) classmate Steve xxxxx up to my parents’ summer house in Wisconsin. I think of Mike often. Since Gwen’s note last night, I have been in touch with my friend Debby who dated Mike’s brother Pat and with Debby’s brother Bobby who met Mike thru me and became his best friend. This is from Debby, Been thinking about them lately. Sitting in your living room with Pat, going to some dance. And from Bobby: It is so ironic that you bring this up as I was just reflecting yesterday on how very long it has been that Mike has been in the "Better Place". Needless to say, we would all be happy to get in touch (the sister). My friend Patty briefly dated Buddy xxxx who also lived with Lois & Bob. And I’m sure she too will be thrilled to hear that Mike’s little sister has turned up. Please get in touch with me at your earliest convenience." Fellow admins, I am sure you understand that I have changed the names in the above quote - except for my own name. Moments ago, the one who dated Mike emailed: "Thank you so very much Gwen. I have tears and goose bumps." Admins: THIS is one of the many reasons our sites are so valuable.