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Padlocks & Hyperlink Issues

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/04/14 09:36 PM Views: 811 Replies: 2
Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 9:36 PM

I have 2 Issues (maybe 3)

1) I posted a msge on my home page & the font color was the original color & not the color I had changed it to. Any clue why?

2) how do I post a hyperlink on my home page?

3) I'm trying to edit my Site page but don't know how to remove the lock. I did it before but not sure what I did???

Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 9:27 AM - Response #1

Not sure about the font color issue.
To create a hyperlink, do the following: Edit Site Pages, Edit HOME PAGE page, scroll down in the text editor to where you want the link and type "Click HERE..." or similar text, select the "CLICK HERE..." text and then click the LINK icon (3rd from right on 2nd row of icons) and then paste/type the URL of the link you want to use into the form field for the link. Click the TARGET tab if you want the link to open in a new window. save the changes to the link. Save the changes to the page and test the link.
The PADLOCK icon means that the page is only visible to classmates who have signed in to your website. They will get a PLEASE LOGIN page when they access your home page of your website. Usually we do not recommend password protecting your home page. You can remove the padlock icon by going to Edit Site Pages, EDIT LINK for your page and remove the check mark next to "Restrict to Classmates only ". The home page usually needs to be visible for classmates to know if they want to join your website. There are ways you can password protect contents on your home page (add a logged-in only announcement, or a not-logged-in announcement)

Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 11:48 AM - Response #2

I'll get on this ASAP & thank you very much

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