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Prevent extra spaces

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 02/24/09 12:17 PM Views: 1160 Replies: 1
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 12:17 PM

I can't find the code you posted for preventing extra spaces being added to your Source when you save. It was a simple one-liner that went at the top. Not sure if that will solve the problem but I'm tired of having it adding extra blank lines when I save. I think I've got it the way I want it and when I go back to look it's never what I thought it was going to be.

Is WYSIWYG HTML page editing coming any time soon?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 10:41 PM - Response #1

The FCK Editor (as it's known in the industry) we embedded into Class Creator is a WYSIWYG editor, but we will be upgrading it to the latest version after the launch of a couple major features we are working on now.

Here's a little tip for you if you enjoy working in a full fledged html editor (I use Dreamweaver, which I think is the best html editor out there). When you go into edit mode for any page, click the Source button, press control A to copy all of your code, press control X to cut it, and then paste it between the body tags in your html editor. Then you can work with your own editor and do all kinds of fancy formatting. When done just cut the code between the body tags and paste it back into your editor. It's that simple.

The FAQ you are looking for is here:

1) Click our FAQs link above
2) Click on Questions About Maintaining Your Web Site
3) Read Question #18

Edited 02/24/09 10:44 PM
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