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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/03/09 09:19 PM Views: 1387 Replies: 4
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 9:19 PM

User forum messages on Portola Jr. High Site Class of '78 is continuous with some 70+pages. Our forum is lumped on one page and you have to click to open individual posts. How do we get the messages to run continuously down the page?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 9:31 PM - Response #1

You are using the old message forums, which display the last 25 responses at all times. You then have to move back through time if you want to see anything prior to the last 25 responses.

You might want to consider activating the new Threaded Forums instead:

1) Click Edit Site Pages
2) Put a checkmark next to your User Forums page
3) Click the Edit button to go into the forum Preferences and change the name of the forums if you desire.

Although there are some schools who like the long continus forum format, in general the threaded forums will give you a better organized discussion area, complete with subscription options, photo avatars, and more.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 10:48 PM - Response #2

I currently am using the threaded message approach. I would prefer to list the messages. I'm old fashioned.

Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 8:44 AM - Response #3

Judith you are using the new forum, they are using the old layout. Brad had them mixed up. But you will want to stick to the new layout. Eventually the old will have it's share of problems and CC won't be able to help you with them since it will no longer be supported. Hang in there and keep trying to use what you have. In the long run everyone will be use to it and there is a lot more potential with the new layout.

Brad I saw someone posted before asking why can't we have the layout we have here on this forum for ours? It seems like posts are getting missed. If we are gandfathered in we get 3 main headings but my class are not understanding that there are more topics listed. And we have one that I think would get more visits if they knew it was there. They click the latest post and miss the previous post that might have been there on another topic. Does that make sense what I am saying?

Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 1:02 PM - Response #4

Oops sorry about that, when I read your post mentioning Portla I just jumped right ot that site from our own Admin. But, that's not you. And now it all makes sense. Smile

We're actually going to bring back the old forums as on option for those who want it. Most classes prefer the threaded forums, but I've learned that quite a few classes like the "ongoing dialogue" type of structure that the old forums had. It's kind of live discussion that's always happening, and we got a lot more requests to keep this than I was expected. So, keep it we shall. The old forums are currently not an option on all sites created within the past 2 months or so, but shortly I'll have a programmer re-enable the option.

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