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Site Meter, help, please

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/04/12 03:48 PM Views: 1346 Replies: 2
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at 3:48 PM

I signed up for site meter and pasted the html code at the bottom of an announcement page, so it would appear at the bottom of our home page. All I see is a site meter logo. No counter. I obviously do not know what to choose on this step of the process... (copied section) "There are several sets of instructions for you to add Site Meter to your site. Select the instructions that best fit your situation. You can also skip the instructions and just get the tracking HTML. -- Web Sites --
Adding Site Meter to a Active Rain site
Adding Site Meter to a Black Planet site
Adding Site Meter to a Blip TV site
Adding Site Meter to a site
Adding Site Meter to a Blog-City site
Adding Site Meter to a Bloglines blog
Adding Site Meter to a Bustablog " (end of copied section)
Sites listed continue and none mention Class Creator, so I was at a loss here. I did however just copy the tracking html and pasted it, but do not think that is all I need to do. Also saw where you told another site admin to post it in the google analytics code, but I cannot as I am not the root admin. Sorry, I am not smart enough to understand this without having to ask, what do I do next? And how do I make the counter "match" the statistics counter of visitors since we started in 2010?

Edited 01/04/12 3:50 PM
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at 10:23 PM - Response #1

I don't know anything about the Site Meter service so I'm only guessing, but here's my guess. I think you are expecting to see s "visitor counter" displayed on your website but I think the Site Meter is a statistics service similar to Google Analytics. If this is true, then you won't see a counter on your website, but instead you would need to log on to the Site Meter website and view the statisics there. Again, this is a guess so if anyone else really knows how this works, please comment.

Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 9:49 PM - Response #2

Thank you Dick! I think you are correct. I do think it will do a live visible counter on the page also, but just needed direction as to how to do that, BUT then my fellow admins thought it best to not put a visible counter on our home page, so I just left as is and am receiving weekly reports from site meter, similar to google analytics reports. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your help! Blessings! Very Happy

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