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Excuses not to go to Class Reunion

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/24/09 04:10 AM Views: 6161 Replies: 9
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 4:10 AM

While working through creating my website; I came across a really cute list of excuses why you shouldn't miss out on your class reunion. For the life of me, I can't remember what school that was. If you could let me know; I'd appreciate it. I know there are some people in my class who need to see that list and know that's no reason to skip on a good time esp after 40 years. Let me know what you think of my website. All I got left to do is add my profile questions and hopefully I'm done. I'm dizzy from working on it all week--just started it last week! Thanks for your help! This is the greatest site ever!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 7:48 AM - Response #1

I might have the excuses you are looking for listed on the 35 year reunion tab on our website. I just unlocked this tab so you would have access to it. Sorry I can't remember who I borrowed it from. Maybe they will post here and receive credit and thanks for their contribution. I have two sets of excuses listed because I thought they were both very good. I believe these excuses are from two different class creator websites.

Edited 02/24/09 7:49 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 8:11 AM - Response #2

It looks like you have accomplished a lot in the few days you have had the website going. I looked around a little. I think most of the websites have the class profile page unlocked to make it easier for classmates to register although they can still register by contacting the administrator but every site is unique which is just another reason of many this class creator system is so super.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 10:24 AM - Response #3

Here's what I have on my site:

10.) I am not rich yet or my job is not high-powered enough.

When will you be successful enough to face everyone? In 2029 at our 40th reunion? Please don't wait that long --- life is too short to miss a chance to connect. Check your ego and attend our reunion anyway.

9.) I'm 38 and have not yet married, had kids, bought a house, written a book, sold my screenplay, traveled the world . . . (fill in your favorite personal disappointment here)

You have been doing something during these past 20 years. Come and tell everyone about it.

8.) I'm too fat/going bald/have an embarrassing skin condition.

You aren't alone. None of these are good excuses. Pull on your Spanx, comb it over, slather on the Eucerin, and forget about it for the night.

7.) I hated everyone from high school.

Everyone? Not one single person you can remember with fondness? Check your e-mail contacts list and I bet there is at least one faithful high school pal there. Message them and see if they are going. Ask if they would like to see you there.

6.) Everyone from high school hated me or I haven't kept in touch in 20 years, so if they didn't hate me then, they hate me now.

And ignoring this problem will make it go away? Time to make amends. Show up at our reunion, make peace, and enjoy a special bonus - you won't spend the next 20 years being hated.

5.) I can't remember anyone's name.

That's why God invented name tags and an open bar.

4.) I'm afraid to see the one who broke my heart/whose heart I broke. Or, I'm afraid I won't see them.

Suck it up, they probably don't remember you anyway.

3.) I don't want my spouse to know what a loser I was in high school.

They already know and they love you anyway.

2.) I hate '80s music. I refuse to go anywhere where I might be trapped in a room listening to Milli Vanilli, Salt 'N Pepper, Duran Duran or Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Our reunion committee hasn't hired a sadistic DJ & if you give us some notice, we'll include your song requests in our playlist.

1.) I can't go because I am having a baby, live more than 3,000 miles away, just declared bankruptcy, don't have permission from my probation officer to cross state lines...

OK, in those very special cases, you get a free get-out-of-reunion card, and we wish you well.

Seriously, there is something to celebrate about where we came from and how far we've come, even if some of you are afraid it's not far enough. We hope to see you at our 20th high school reunion because Once A Buc, Always a Buc and our reunion won't be the same without you there!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 3:04 PM - Response #4

Thanks David & Vanessa for your help! Vanessa it was your site that I saw it on...

Edited 02/24/09 3:05 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 4:09 PM - Response #5

You'll want to view your site in Firefox. Your opening welcome graphic is just a hair too wide, which causes your entire left home page column to jump to the bottom of the page after the right hand modules. Reize that opening plugin down just a hair and your whole page will snap back together in Firefox. Firefox has become as popular as Internet Explorer, so it's always a good idea to view your site in both browsers as you'll find little differences like this.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 6:23 PM - Response #6

Jeanne Ellenwood wrote:

While working through creating my website; I came across a really cute list of excuses why you shouldn't miss out on your class reunion. For the life of me, I can't remember what school that was. If you could let me know; I'd appreciate it. I know there are some people in my class who need to see that list and know that's no reason to skip on a good time esp after 40 years. Let me know what you think of my website. All I got left to do is add my profile questions and hopefully I'm done. I'm dizzy from working on it all week--just started it last week! Thanks for your help! This is the greatest site ever!

Hi Jeanne ~ you have some really good ideas I might borrow Very Happy Your site looks awesome Exclamation

I have some excuses on my site also but I would have to make you a guest so that you can see them Wink are you interested ?? let me know ? I have made a few other admin guests as well Cool

~christine marie Cool

Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 11:04 AM - Response #7

Love this list!

I posted a revised version of it here:

Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 12:27 PM - Response #8

Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 12:29 PM - Response #9

haha that's a good one!

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