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Notify me questions

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/11/12 12:59 PM Views: 2191 Replies: 35
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 12:59 PM

If a classmate does nothing with the new notify feature will their old settings apply? E.g., will they get everything if that's what they were getting before?

Also, if a member has previously unsubscribed (Notify flag off) I assume they will not learn about this feature until they log on, if ever. I sent an introductory email but, of course, those folks wouldn't get it.

Is it possible for the root admin to see other peoples settings for this feature.

Sorry if I missed any announcement/instructions.

Edited 07/12/12 10:23 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:05 AM - Response #1


I think this answers all your questions:

all existing customers have the following pre-existing settings:

I receive a new personal message: Instantly
Someone leaves a comment on my profile: Instantly

A profile I'm subscribed to is updated: Once Daily
A classmate whose profile I'm subscribed to has an upcoming birthday: Once Daily

Everything else is set to Never. we didn't want to freak people out with new notices that they hadn't subscribed for.

BUT all new signups from July 5th onward have all those new notices set to Once Daily.

We made the decision to reset the NOTIFY OFF flag to ON for all classmates who have joined the site, as 99% of them were all but certainly trying to unsubscribe from profile notifications.

So if a classmate who had joined your website before July 5th turned the "NOTIFY OFF" flag on by clicking the notice at the bottom of the e-mail, they would have to do it again. So they should receive your "E-mail the Class" notice about the new feature of "Notify Me".

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:12 AM - Response #2

Mike, because I am a lazy bum right now, would you post your verbiage to the email? I tell my classmates "only one a month" but I probably should do this and let them know. Or Kyle, is there a letter someplace that I missed in reading emails? I do get the once daily thing now and since I subscribe to EVERYONE, it is helpful!

Thanks, guys!

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:13 AM - Response #3

Was there a "Notification" of these changes sent out on or around July 5? If so, can you repeat it here (or point us to it) so we can send it out to our classmates?

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:21 AM - Response #4

I second Denise's request!

Would really appreciate that 'letter!'

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:22 AM - Response #5

We are still waiting for Brad to send out the NEW FEATURE NOTIFICATION to all admins. There has been no notification sent out about this new feature yet.

Brad has said that he would send out an e-mail, but as far as I know, it hasn't been sent yet.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:32 AM - Response #6

IMHO it is bad form to make changes without notifying customers!

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:37 AM - Response #7

The notification about this feature IS COMING.

The "Profile Subscriptions" page has been broken for a long time. You got individual e-mails. With classes of THOUSANDS of classmates, people were unsubscribing to all e-mails from the website because they got tired of the "spam" (in their opinion). The new "Notify Me" fixes these issues.

Please be patient and forgiving with Brad about not sending out the notification yet. I am sure he has his reasons.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:48 AM - Response #8

I'd also be interested in knowing more about how the new "Notify Me" feature works so that I can explain the options to our classmates. I've been away for a while, and just noticed the new link that has appeared in the menu on our website. I couldn't find any new feature explanation in the help forums, so yesterday I decided to change a couple of the settings to see what might happen. For example, I changed the setting from "Never" to "Immediately" for the option, "Pages on the site have been added or updated." Then, I updated a page...but it's now been 24 hours since I made that update, and I have not received an email.

It would be great to get some information about how these options work, especially since the link is now live and our classmates might wonder what it means. Thanks in advance! Smile

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:55 AM - Response #9

Good response and good decisions. Thanks.

For Denise and others, this is the text of the email I sent out upon first seeing the Notify Me feature:

A new feature called "Notify Me" is now available on our website.You will find it at the top of your Member Functions menu on the Home Page.

Notify Me allows you to customize how and when you receive notifications about a wide variety of website events.

We encourage everyone to take a look at this feature and decide which events you wish to learn about immediately or once daily or never. You could wind up receiving more email, less email or no email depending on how you indicate your choices.

Some classmates check the website less frequently than others and this gives them a way to learn promptly about events or activities that are most interesting to them.


Edited 07/12/12 9:56 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM - Response #10

Mike Loeb wrote:

Good response and good decisions. Thanks.

For Denise and others, this is the text of the email I sent out upon first seeing the Notify Me feature:

A new feature called "Notify Me" is now available on our website.You will find it at the top of your Member Functions menu on the Home Page.

Notify Me allows you to customize how and when you receive notifications about a wide variety of website events.

We encourage everyone to take a look at this feature and decide which events you wish to learn about immediately or once daily or never. You could wind up receiving more email, less email or no email depending on how you indicate your choices.

Some classmates check the website less frequently than others and this gives them a way to learn promptly about events or activities that are most interesting to them.


Nice letter, Mike! Thanks for sharing. Very Happy

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:08 AM - Response #11

Alice, the page update notifications only go out if the admin modifying the page checks the box to notify classmates of the change before saving the page.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:30 AM - Response #12

Here is the announcement I made on my website (I haven't sent out an "E-mail the Class" to my classmates yet)
Notify Me is a new feature of the website. Click the link to be notified of changes on the website. You can sign up to receive e-mails for any of the following:

I receive a new personal message
Someone leaves a comment on my profile
Pictures have been added to a photo gallery
A new response is posted in the Message Forum
A new reunion or event is being planned
A new announcement has been posted
A survey receives new responses
A new Classmate joins the site
Two or more people are in Live Chat
Pages on the site have been added or updated
A Missing Classmate has been found
A Classmate has been added to In Memory
A Classmate posts an In Memory comment

You can also sign up to receive an e-mail if any of your friends is having a birthday or modifies their profile.

If you previously tried PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS and were annoyed by all of the e-mails you received, the Notify Me will only send one e-mail that will contain all of the information you want to be notified about.

Anyone that wants to copy the above text is welcome to do it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:54 AM - Response #13

Eric B Bassey wrote:

Alice, the page update notifications only go out if the admin modifying the page checks the box to notify classmates of the change before saving the page.

Thanks, Eric! That explains why I didn't get an email. Idea

One more question: If the admin updates a page and checks the box to notify classmates of the change, does that mean that classmates will NOT be notified UNLESS they have selected to receive emails (immediately or once daily) when a page is updated or added? Question

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:56 AM - Response #14

That is correct. ALL system emails sent to classmates are subject to the settings in Notify Me for that classmate.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 11:03 AM - Response #15

Eric B Bassey wrote:

That is correct. ALL system emails sent to classmates are subject to the settings in Notify Me for that classmate.

Thanks for the quick response, Eric! Now I think I can better explain this feature to our classmates! Very HappyVery Happy

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 12:45 PM - Response #16

Kyle Erickson wrote:

....So if a classmate who had joined your website before July 5th turned the "NOTIFY OFF" flag on by clicking the notice at the bottom of the e-mail, they would have to do it again. So they should receive your "E-mail the Class" notice about the new feature of "Notify Me".


I have not written to my memebers yet on this. However, if I go into Email the Class and click "Selected", on the list I am presented with those who previously had Notify Off still have it. So they would not receive my email.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 12:47 PM - Response #17

They may have received something in the meantime and clicked the link again. The notify flag indicator in Email the Class is correct.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 2:08 PM - Response #18

Two puzzling things. First, I have not sent any email the class messages since 6/21. Second, none of the 8 people marked Notify Off have even registered at the site yet. So, unless I'm mistaken, there is no way they could have set this themselves. Am I missing something?

Edited 07/12/12 2:27 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 2:17 PM - Response #19

There is one thing I forgot to mention....
Those classmates who have never logged in, but clicked the option to be removed from your website emails were not turned back to Notify Off flag reset. The reason is because the new Notify Me option would require them to log in first to change their options.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 8:40 PM - Response #20

OK so let's say they now come and register. I am assuming they will get the Notify Me page as part of the registration process and whatever they enter there will override the Notify Flag Off. Is that correct?

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:37 PM - Response #21

Thank you folks. This will educate our classmates and hopefully encourage them to follow birthdays or whatever they want to.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 10:04 PM - Response #22


yes it will override the Notify off flag. You are correct.

Friday, July 13, 2012 at 9:01 AM - Response #23

One of the most important new features we have ever released is now live on your class web site. The new feature is called "Notify Me" and it replaces the former "Profile Subscriptions" function. Notify Me is designed to keep your Classmates engaged and actively returning to and enjoying your web site. It's a terrific way of keeping your classmates connected and communicating.

I strongly recommend you use the Email The Class function to send out an email to all of your Classmates announcing this new feature. I have prepared a pre-written email below you can copy and paste to your Classmates (edit as you see fit prior to sending):

start copy and paste below this line

A very important new feature has been added to our class web site called "Notify Me". It replaces the former "Profile Subscriptions" function. All Classmates you were previously following are still present on the new Notify Me page. In addition you will find a variety of new options to allow you to interact with our site exactly the way you wish to. For instance you can now receive notifications by email when events like this happen on our site:

* I receive a new personal message
* Someone leaves a comment on my profile
* Pictures have been added to a photo gallery
* A Classmate has been added to In Memory
* A Classmate posts an In Memory comment
* A new reunion or event is being planned
* A new announcement has been posted
* A new Classmate joins the site
* Two or more people are in Live Chat
* Pages on the site have been added or updated
* A Missing Classmate has been found

I encourage you to log into our web site, click on the new Notify Me feature (it's the first link under Member Functions) and set your new Notification Options now. It's a great way of keeping up with our class! You can opt to receive notification messages immediately, or opt to have them grouped into one daily convenient email. The choice is yours! I hope you enjoy this new and exciting method of keeping up with our classmates and web site. Log in today and set your new Notify Me options now!

Site Administrator

stop copy and paste above this line

To send this message to all Classmates:

1. Log into your web site and click "Email The Class" under your Admin Functions.
2) Select "Send to All Classmates" then select "Compose Email".
3) Fill in the Subject line then copy and paste the email above into the editor.
4) Click the "Send Email Now" button (you can send a test email to yourself first if you want to make sure everything looks ok).

We hope you and your Classmates enjoy the new and exciting Notify Me feature!

Brad Switzer
Class Creator

Friday, July 13, 2012 at 2:34 PM - Response #24

A suggestion: how about changing the term "profile subscription" to "profile tracker". A "subscription" sounds like something you get from a magazine and I have always suspected that a lot of our members really don't understand what is meant. A "tracker" is self evident.

Friday, July 13, 2012 at 3:45 PM - Response #25

Subscription is the appropriate word with the appropriate meaning. In this context, it means signing up for periodic notification of changes to a particular profile or profiles. Tracking implies ongoing active participation on the part of the user, while subscription implies only an initiating action, and is therefore more precise and accurate as a descriptive. We appreciate your input, but there is no valid reason to change the terminology in this instance.

Friday, July 13, 2012 at 8:05 PM - Response #26

Sorry about the delay folks. Dealing with some heavy family issues here. I'm normally the one who sends out all system wide emails and couldn't get to it 'till today. Back in the saddle all good. I hope you all enjoy the new Notify Me feature. It should be a serious improvement on how your Classmates stay connected with your site.

Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 5:22 PM - Response #27

What does "A missing Classmate has been found" mean?
How does it differ from "A new Classmate joins the site?"

Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 7:38 PM - Response #28

In fact, I asked this question a few days ago. Here is what the programmer said:

"A new Classmate joins the site" means someone filled out the member wizard. There is a half hour delay on this (usually classmates take a little time to make sure their profile is just right. If they are still editing it, you might miss the good stuff that they add later). If Classmate Verification is turned on, this is sent out when they're verified.

"A Missing Classmate has been found" means an admin edited a classmate's record as such that they are no longer considered "missing" by whatever criteria that site has selected. It would be triggered if they only clicked the Missing Override checkbox and then later unchecked the "Missing Override" checkbox.

note: for "A Missing Classmate has been found" we only display their name without a hyperlink, as there is still nothing to really see. the only exception is if the admin is entering profile info on behalf of that classmate, then their name is a hyperlink to the profile.

Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 10:44 PM - Response #29

Tom Homsley wrote:

Was there a "Notification" of these changes sent out on or around July 5? If so, can you repeat it here (or point us to it) so we can send it out to our classmates?

Hi Tom,

Brad posted the info we received by email here in the forums under New Feature Announcements. Here is the link:
Notify Me

Oops. If I would have read the entire thread before replying, I would have noticed Kyle included the text in a post. My error!

Edited 07/21/12 10:56 PM
Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 12:32 PM - Response #30

I am confused....

If I select "never" for notification that a new classmate joins the site and "never" for notification that a classmate has been added to the In Memory section, AND I choose to subscribe to all classmates, will I receive a notification or not?

Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 12:50 PM - Response #31


The CLASSMATE NOTIFICATIONS you are subscribing to are "Birthday" and "Profile Updates". You can do this on an individual classmate or multiple classmates that you might be interested in.

if you don't subscribe to IN MEMORY or NEW CLASSMATE features, you won't get an e-mail when those pages change. If the new classmate updates their profile and you are subscribed to that classmate, you will get an e-mail notification.

Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 1:10 PM - Response #32

So, let me make sure I have this straight. If I follow your defaults, AND I subscribe to every classmate, I will be notified of their birthdate, but I will not be notified if they die?

Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 2:38 PM - Response #33

Probably right. I don't know the defaults. The "In Memory" email isn't automatic. The admin needs to check a checkbox saying to send the email to all of those who want to be notified.

I think that when a classmate dies, the admin should just Email the Class with funeral info.

Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 6:02 PM - Response #34

Good question, Stan! It seems a bit confusing. If it is to us, what must it be to our classmates?

Kyle, I agree that an admin should send an email of a death. Anything less loses respect for the classmate.

Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 7:44 PM - Response #35

If you are asking if you will receive a birthday greeting for a deceased classmate, the answer is NO

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