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Gallery: Need feature to add pdf documents

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 05/31/21 01:56 PM Views: 4183 Replies: 3
Monday, May 31, 2021 at 1:56 PM

It seems that in the photo gallery section, we are only allowed to add jpg documents, which photos typically are.

But we do a power point presentation for our reunions and we can not load this because the records are pdf's.

The work around is to have special software, outside of CC convert each pdf page to a jpg document and then upload them all. We had 700 pages of records to convert.

I would like to request that the Gallery section be upgraded to allow pdf documents as well as jpg ones.
Most display programs can do this now days.

Edited 05/31/21 1:57 PM
Monday, May 31, 2021 at 2:23 PM - Response #1

Galleries are typically image files including JPG, GIF and PNG files. Adobe (who created PDF files) has a way to convert PDF documents to images.

Class Creator Support

Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 10:11 AM - Response #2

Hi Jessica, I am trying to upload a pdf file using the link icon to add it to the file vault according to instructions I've seen (and used successfully) before, but it does not appear to be working for me. I add a comment to "Class News and Notes" then click on the link icon. I select the pdf file to add and select upload but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Camille

Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 3:17 PM - Response #3

Hi Camille,

Sorry I did not see your last response. When you select the PDF file do you click the upload button and see the URL field populated below it? If you are still having trouble please email me at reference task ID 72978 and include the PDF file you want to link to as an attachment to the email and let me know the text it should link to.


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