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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/31/13 05:57 AM Views: 3457 Replies: 39
Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 5:57 AM

Just a word of thanks to Brad and Gwen for their assistance. So far so good with my site look and editing. Wanted what I feel is a distinguished and dignified look to our class website. The new formate (with the gold like background and newspaper like appearance) has enabled me to finally achieve the desired overall presentation I was seeking sinse we joined Class Creator. If problems arise, I'll let you know. In the mean time, my humble gratitude and fingers crossed for no "gremlins" suddenly popping up after posting this message. (Kidding.)

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 9:04 AM - Response #1

I will pass the word on to Brad

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 9:25 AM - Response #2

I was inspired to change mine as it was what I wanted (and I JUST found that logo two days ago, this is what happens when a school system divides the high school into two, then recombines and comes up with all new colors, nickname, and logos). BUT I have a small issue. I know you can fix it.

On the donors list, the first two are tabbed over and the rest are not. I couldn't see where to eliminate a tab. Can you?

I liked what I had before, but this was the look I was going for!


Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 9:45 AM - Response #3

Gremlins around here after the update? Whatcha talkin' about? Wink

Seriously, as this is a new design and we needed to see how people were actually utilizing it, anything is possible on this one. I have a list going for this one already, lighter color options, ability to add custom masthead, and more. If you see anything that makes sense to tweak just let us know. The newspaper design may be a work in progress for awhile. Thanks for the compliments Gary.

Denise: When making custom content for any # of reasons you can get some "weird code in there." That's going to be my official explanation on this because honestly I didn't even look at the code that was causing this. I just rekeyed the first 3 names which I knew would be a whole lot faster than figuring out what exact thing in there was causing this. Sometimes an extra > or < or \ or / or whatever is all it takes.

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 9:48 AM - Response #4

This "small" Gremlin popped up when I went to your site. (invalid url variable: playlist_id) Yesterday was such a tease. Stay Warm.


Edited 01/31/13 9:48 AM
Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 10:09 AM - Response #5

Yes, I thought as much. I tried retyping, but I don't know, it didn't work right. Perhaps I wasn't patient enough. But I like it now. This is what I was after all the time.

I STILL love you Brad! And all of you, I have been through conversions in banks and it's enough to make you go crazy. This has been awesome! And I have been learning from others' mistakes too Smile.

BTW I think I sold Fairborn Baker's Class of 1973 on this. You should be hearing from them soon. They are getting a late start on everything but I have been willing to help them also. As is Kathi from 1972.


Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 1:22 PM - Response #6

Happy to help, Gary. You are very welcome!

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 2:01 PM - Response #7

Robert Cullen wrote:

This "small" Gremlin popped up when I went to your site. (invalid url variable: playlist_id) Yesterday was such a tease. Stay Warm.


Yes I know about that Bob and it puzzles me too. I had a third party playlist from a now defunct company and tried to clear out all of the code but that message still pops up. For now, please just ignore it and close or minimize the box if you can.
And Brad. I say gremlin because I know how things can be here by now. Ha. Ha.

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 2:19 PM - Response #8

Thanks Denise. Love ya back! We'll all remember the conversion week as one wild week. Waters have smoothed. Still working on a few more issues pertaining to upgrade today and tomorrow. Next week back to the real work -- inventing more fun stuff. Smile

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 2:44 PM - Response #9

Gary, I removed the code for the broken music player from your home page.

Friday, February 1, 2013 at 11:48 PM - Response #10

Thanks Eric! Appreciate it!

Funny thing is happening now though. When I look at the site with my iPad, the pages don't automatically fit into the device's width. So I have to touch my fingers to the screen and pull the rectangular shape of the page in or out until the shape fits the iPad screen correctly. (Hope you understand what I mean.) Anyway. Shouldn't this resizing happen automatically and can someone at C.C. fix it or advise how I can do it or if I should keep manually doing it, like I am? (I have an advisory message on my home page, for now about it too for classmates if it also happens on their devices.)

Edited 02/02/13 12:29 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 12:31 AM - Response #11


Stay Warm.

You too, Bob!

Edited 02/02/13 12:34 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 1:44 AM - Response #12

Gary, I think I know what you mean. If it is then that is just the way it works because of your screen resolution.

Your iPad resolution is quite a bit more than the CC page width of 1000, so you only see 1000 and have to resize to get it to fill. That's the same as for any display that is more than 1000 wide.

Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 1:54 AM - Response #13

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

Gary, I think I know what you mean. If it is then that is just the way it works because of your screen resolution.

Your iPad resolution is quite a bit more than the CC page width of 1000, so you only see 1000 and have to resize to get it to fill. That's the same as for any display that is more than 1000 wide.

Actually when it happens, the screen has to be sized down. I see only part of the page, for example, just the center portion. It doesn't occur all of the time though.

Oh well. Thanks for your help. Must be part of those gremlins I talked about earlier in this thread. No problem if there is no solution. Guess I'll just chock it up as being one of the unexpected 'joys' of iPad ownership. I have other computers but just find it convenient to use the mobile device when conducting CC activities. Just wish it could be used for the TAP chat room too but I understand it can't

Edited 02/02/13 2:48 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 2:15 AM - Response #14

I only have an iTouch running Safari and Opera. If I tilt the screen back and forth it gets confused about the resolution or the size I want displayed.

I can pinch it to exactly the correct size in portrait, rotate to landscape and it's still perfect. Now I rotate back to portrait and it's way too big. It also 'forgets' when I go to new pages and 'zooms' the page.

Opera is a bit better. It 'keeps' the pinched view as I rotate back and forth. But new pages also expand. Runs very nice though.

I -think- this is done for portable devices on the assumption that you can't read anything unless it autozooms to a level you can read. The iPad changed that a bit by providing a much larger screen. However, the browser code hasn't caught up with that change.

That description becomes a Safari/browser issue that needs to be addressed since it's not just CC that is affected. IOW, does this happen on other sites too? It does for me.

Don't know if matches what is happening on an iPad (more or less)? It is annoying for sure to have it zoom without me telling it to.Twisted Evil

Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 2:45 AM - Response #15

That sounds very much like what I am experiencing but only for Class Creator related sites. I will check out Opera. I just wondered if anything could be done from a CC stand point. Apparently it is a quirk with all mobile devices the manufacturers neglect to mention while telling you how great each model is. Lol! So thanks Jack. I really appreciate hearing from you and receiving some comfort in now knowing I'm not the only one experiencing this situation.

Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 10:10 PM - Response #16

I realized after posting all this that a website CAN detect if it's connecting to a mobile device and change it's skin and layout. That's one of the draws of Adobe's designer, you can do all of them at the same time. Don't know if that's actually come to some sort of standard in the world.

But I have no clue if CC is doing that or the other web sites that do not resize are doing that. My son's iPad does not resize for most sites. I'd have to play with it myself to answer this topic by better guessingSurprised

More digging or CC can fill us in and tell us they don't do anything, which makes it totally a browser issue - browser is doing the sniffing.

Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 10:57 PM - Response #17

For a variety of reasons we made the decision to get our new layouts working best on computers first. Given what the system does we need a well thought out mobile interface that differs considerably. The computer layouts happened to work well enough on iPad we made the decision to make a few more changes to better accommodate iPad – particularly the dropdown menus. We actually changed those during development just to accommodate iPad alone. There’s 2 remaining designs with some Flash elements and soon the Flash will be out of those as well, creating perfect rendering on the iPad. Note that IM and Live Chat are currently Flash based and will not work on the iPad; however, they shouldn’t cause any problems with the rest of your site rendering and working fine.

Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 11:09 PM - Response #18

Thanks Brad. So I guess mobile users are just stuck having to manually shrink down pages as necessary.

Edited 02/02/13 11:15 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 11:38 PM - Response #19

When I said we need a well thought out mobile interface I specifically was responding to Jack's comments about fluid layout in Adobe Dreamweaver and referring to mobile phones. We have not started on a mobile phone interface. I'm stating it would need to differ considerably to meet the objectives of Class Creator and fluid layout is not the best option. A unique mobile interface is. For iPads, the objective right now is to make the current system display as well as possible. Last week we saw your content come together with the new system on iPad for the first time. Gremlins are going to be there -- you're certainly right. The code that constitutes a page is of course a combination of our code, your content, and often your custom html code. Thus especially on iPad there's going to be some things to work through.

Edited 02/03/13 12:01 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 12:40 AM - Response #20

I realize everyone works incredibly hard to create the best of everything for all account holders but hope that if it's placed on the wish list, it won't just stay there like other well meaning previous ideas have ended up. I thought something was mentioned in TAP Chat that mobile chat capabilities would be worked on for a future release.

Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 9:39 AM - Response #21

As important as last week's upgrade was on the user end, it was even more important on the Class Creator back end. Frankly, due to the rather grass roots way that Class Creator grew, we wound up with a difficult structure to work within. All layouts were old table based code (tons of code in there), normal things like changing link labels and sort order were impossible, and I could go on. At one point it had become clear the only way to have efficiency for the future was to literally start over. And that's exactly what we wound up doing. It's the reason we recreated and relayed out every single design. Had to be done. Otherwise we were going to stay in a clunky, unmanageable world forever. It took a very long time to rewrite all that... And of course during that time it was hard to do much of anything else. While it may not be the bet PR to put out there "hey we had written a big clunky system and couldn't work efficiently with it anymore" I think it's important people understand where we were at then, and where we are at now. We can simply do many things more easily now. For instance, if we want to plug in a new feature to the designs it's a whole lot easier now. Or if we want to add a brand new design, or a new advanced design, etc. it's far easier. Efficiency is the goal. In fact on the new advanced designs feature, which a little help from a user in another thread here, we're tweaking that system in such a fashion that we'll be able to add new advanced designs to the system whenever we want without even involving a layout person or a programmer. The system itself will allow the designer to do everything alone. That would have been unthinkable before.

Having said this, I have to say we have no plans to develop a strictly mobile interface any time soon. The new system actually does work fine on most phones. You can even drag your link order around and everything. It's certainly not designed for phones but it does work. A streamlined mobile interface would of course be better. We have numerous features we're working on right now including a new Reunion Planner, new Social Profiles, and an advanced Facebook app (this one alone will consume considerable resources for some time). Before we get into mobile interfaces it's important some of these other things be done first (like new Social Profiles) since it's that new data/structure we'll need to tap into.

Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 6:05 PM - Response #22

Finally had a chance to test the "new" iPad (3) using Safari and it worked perfect in landscape mode. The issue is only if you rotate the device to portrait and back. Just like the iTouch issue, it gets a tad messed up.

So don't rotate with SafariIdea Since Opera 'remembers' this can be controlled by browser mods. Suggest it to the browser developers.

I also learned about @media as well as the media now in CC. CC content is not controlled by CC, so that presents a special problem for lowres screens (< 1024).

Edited 02/03/13 6:05 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 7:11 PM - Response #23

There's a thing called the viewport meta tag that controls initial display on mobile devices. Tweaked this a bit. Should pull site into fill screen on load. Working here in my testing. Please reload your site and see if you're getting same.

Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 9:00 PM - Response #24

No change in prior description. But iPad is actually pretty easy to get it back to the 'right' size after rotation. Just tap 2X.Cool

I'm making up a plan to make my wife thinks she needs one. But it might be a Nexus 10 instead.

Someone posted that even electricity doesn't want to see the 49's play anymore

Edited 02/03/13 9:04 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 10:13 PM - Response #25

Looks like electricity was wrong!

Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 11:11 PM - Response #26

Great game.

Also borrowed a new iPhone for drill. Pretty much just like the iTouch I have, but larger screen makes it easier to use.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 8:03 PM - Response #27

The site not sizing to screen on iPad and mobile phones issue has been resolved. Enhanced one of our meta tags called "viewport" to make the sites behave as desired. If you reload on iPad you may see the last zoom level you left the site at. However anybody new coming into your site will now see the site perfectly sized to the screen. I think it even looks quite good on mobile phones now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 8:15 PM - Response #28

Yup, works perfect now.

That was a simple fix. The less you say, the better it is.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 5:38 PM - Response #29

Brad Switzer wrote:

As important as last week's upgrade was on the user end, it was even more important on the Class Creator back end. Frankly, due to the rather grass roots way that Class Creator grew, we wound up with a difficult structure to work within. All layouts were old table based code (tons of code in there), normal things like changing link labels and sort order were impossible, and I could go on. At one point it had become clear the only way to have efficiency for the future was to literally start over. And that's exactly what we wound up doing. It's the reason we recreated and relayed out every single design. Had to be done. Otherwise we were going to stay in a clunky, unmanageable world forever. It took a very long time to rewrite all that... And of course during that time it was hard to do much of anything else. While it may not be the bet PR to put out there "hey we had written a big clunky system and couldn't work efficiently with it anymore" I think it's important people understand where we were at then, and where we are at now. We can simply do many things more easily now. For instance, if we want to plug in a new feature to the designs it's a whole lot easier now. Or if we want to add a brand new design, or a new advanced design, etc. it's far easier. Efficiency is the goal. In fact on the new advanced designs feature, which a little help from a user in another thread here, we're tweaking that system in such a fashion that we'll be able to add new advanced designs to the system whenever we want without even involving a layout person or a programmer. The system itself will allow the designer to do everything alone. That would have been unthinkable before.

Having said this, I have to say we have no plans to develop a strictly mobile interface any time soon. The new system actually does work fine on most phones. You can even drag your link order around and everything. It's certainly not designed for phones but it does work. A streamlined mobile interface would of course be better. We have numerous features we're working on right now including a new Reunion Planner, new Social Profiles, and an advanced Facebook app (this one alone will consume considerable resources for some time). Before we get into mobile interfaces it's important some of these other things be done first (like new Social Profiles) since it's that new data/structure we'll need to tap into.

Was not requesting a separate mobile user interface be created. Could some kind of mobile chat capabilities on Class Creator sites and the TAP chatroom be place on the Wish List?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 5:54 PM - Response #30

Yes on Wish List. Next priorities are Facebook app, social Profiles and new Reunion Planner.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 5:57 PM - Response #31

Brad Switzer wrote:

Yes on Wish List. Next priorities are Facebook app, social Profiles and new Reunion Planner.

Looking forward to them! Smile

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 6:38 PM - Response #32

Great. Thanks. Me too. Hope the Facebook app partnership will still mean we can correspond with the Class Creator staff about the Facebook related app. My experiences with Facebook have been not so good in terms of receiving answers if you write to their staff with a question.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 6:49 PM - Response #33

Yes. Definitely. Class Connection will be a Facebook app offered by Class Creator. Everything in the app is programmed by Class Creator and under our direct control. And of course, on the user end you guys get to chime in on things, suggest things, etc. That's how our stuff always grows. This always has been and always will be the system shaped by the users themselves. 90% of what's in Class Creator today was at some point a request from a Class Administrator. So too shall it be with the Facebook app. The app will change and grow in accordance with what the bulk of the users are asking for.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 7:23 PM - Response #34

I appreciate the assurance but I was talking about still getting answers back, like you and I are doing here. Facebook staff has never written back whenever I have tried to get one to one responses from any of their staff members. Ok then. Thanks again. If I ever switch our site to a Facebook related template and have questions, suggestions or concerns, I'll contact you or your staff. Appreciate it.

Edited 02/12/13 7:28 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 8:28 PM - Response #35

Personally, I'd like to say... there is no comparing Facebook and Class Creator customer service. Class Creator is tops in customer service simply due to responses being received and in a timely manner.

That is my dollar's worth. Wink

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 10:12 PM - Response #36

What Brad is saying is that Facebook provides tools to hook into their product, but that is all they will do. All interaction and bug reporting with the ClassCreator Facebook Application will be through the CONTACT US and HELP FORUMS like you currently are doing.

The Facebook Staff will never see our ClassCreator Application because they have to worry about their own product.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 11:30 PM - Response #37

Agree with you Gwen.
Thanks Kyle. That is great and fine with me. (And appreciated hearing it fom him directly.)

Edited 02/12/13 11:37 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 11:48 PM - Response #38

[10 years later...] is ClassConnection no longer working? A classmate notified me that it wasn't and I said I hadn't tried it for a long time.

I see there's still a FB page called "Class Connection" on Facebook. There's a link to "" which comes up with "Domain Not Configured" message.

From a browser "" brings up a FB page that says "Adobe Flash No Longer Supported", "If this game isn't working, that might be why... etc"

When I search for threads on "Class Connection" all the more recent conversations are unviewable (just goes to the Forum home page). But much older threads (like this one I'm replying to) show. So I'm trying to reply to this thread. It may not Save however???

There are a couple of videos about the feature still on YouTube.

If it's gone, was there an announcement???

Brad Switzer wrote:

Yes. Definitely. Class Connection will be a Facebook app offered by Class Creator. Everything in the app is programmed by Class Creator and under our direct control. And of course, on the user end you guys get to chime in on things, suggest things, etc. That's how our stuff always grows. This always has been and always will be the system shaped by the users themselves. 90% of what's in Class Creator today was at some point a request from a Class Administrator. So too shall it be with the Facebook app. The app will change and grow in accordance with what the bulk of the users are asking for.

Edited 01/26/23 12:06 AM
Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 1:25 PM - Response #39

No longer working for some time. CC said there were FB api changes but it never really worked right either Confused

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