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Changing Logo's

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/10/09 12:28 AM Views: 1280 Replies: 2
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 12:28 AM

I had put a temporary logo on our web site and now have the correct one, but I can't seem to get the old one off the Home Page. I went to Edit School Photo/Logo then checked Delete Logo, saved changes and tried to get the new one on. No luck, the old one is still there.
The new logo is on the messages that are sent out, just not on the Home Page.
The same thing happens when I notice that some of the yearbook pictures need to be cleaned up and I can't delete the old one to put the better one on.

Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 8:17 AM - Response #1

Esther Letbetter wrote:

I had put a temporary logo on our web site and now have the correct one, but I can't seem to get the old one off the Home Page. I went to Edit School Photo/Logo then checked Delete Logo, saved changes and tried to get the new one on. No luck, the old one is still there.
The new logo is on the messages that are sent out, just not on the Home Page.
The same thing happens when I notice that some of the yearbook pictures need to be cleaned up and I can't delete the old one to put the better one on.

Hi Esther,

I have noticed that if the old image and the new image have the same name, then the ClassCreator system thinks that the files are the same. So I would try renaming the new file something different and then try to upload the new logo for the Home Page. I think the same thing will work for your classmate pictures, too. Rename "johnSmith.jpg" to "johnSmith1.jpg" then upload it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 11:03 AM - Response #2

If you're actually deleting the first logo and then adding the new logo it's most likely a caching issue on your browser. Which means you should try reoloading the page or clearing your cache (temporary Internet files) and reload. I'm sure this will clear up the issue.

If you delete the old logo and upload the new logo with the exact same file name all at the same time, our system does cache images briefly. There's some technical reasons behind this, but even if you do both at the same time, and also use the same file name, it won't be long before the new logo displays anyway. In your case though I'm pretty sure it's a local browser cashing issue.

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