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Cousins creating accounts for classmates?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/05/13 09:27 PM Views: 1183 Replies: 9
Friday, April 5, 2013 at 9:27 PM

I noticed a fellow classmate (or whom I thought) created an account on our website, but she has not. I went through grade school and high school with her and we were all excited she finally chimed in after the four years of creating our class of 73 website.

Someone else informed me this WAS NOT that person and it was her cousin from the Great State of Michigan,Shocked who was looking for her, then decided to create a password and log-in. .....again...WHAT! HOW CAN PEOPLE DO THIS?
So I went into the MANAGE CLASSMATES, found her account,and deleted all the info, and unchecked all the buttons down below, then "SAVE." Will this prevent other people from doing this? What else can I do? Thanks.

Edited 04/05/13 9:28 PM
Friday, April 5, 2013 at 9:42 PM - Response #1

On the PREFERENCES page, there is an option to Verify Classmates before allowing them to join. If you want this option, you can turn it on and use it.

Friday, April 5, 2013 at 10:04 PM - Response #2

Brad, this option "ALLOW" was already checked. So did you mean to turn it OFF, until they are verified, then go back and turn it "ON" again?
See below:

ALLOW new subscribing Classmates to immediately see any password protected areas of the web site, access any Profiles that have been restricted to viewing by only fellow Classmates, post messages in message forums, and display new Classmate's Profile information.

DO NOT ALLOW new subscribing Classmates to view password protected areas of the web site, access any restricted Classmate Profiles, send or receive emails, post messages in forums, participate in Live Chat, and hide Profile information from other Classmates until the new Classmate's identity has been verified. (Note: If you select this option, a new "Verified" field will appear in the Classmate's Profile area that only you, the Site Administrator, can see. When a new Classmate joins your site and the Classmate's identify has been confirmed, toggle the "Verified" field to "yes". The default will remain "no" until you do this. Once toggled to "yes" the new Classmate will be granted access to restricted areas of your site.

Brad, one more Question...."CONTACT US", When someone clicks on this, do they send a message to just me, the Root Admin, or to ALL the administrators?? Thank you

Friday, April 5, 2013 at 10:07 PM - Response #3

James, we have had three 'suspicious' folks ask to join, and before approving them, I emailed them, asking some information that the 'classmate' would know.
Through a little 'detective work,' I was able to determine they were imposters.
YOUR situation, a cousin of a classmate applying, might be a little more difficult to pin down however, but it is a concern to all Admin's, having imposters.

Friday, April 5, 2013 at 10:30 PM - Response #4

Yes, James, this issue is a concern to all Admin's. Sorry it happened to you.

Steve, you "had three people that asked to join". Did they ask to be guests, or were they trying to join via a classmate name and you have your site set to have all verified before they gain access/memebership to your site?


Friday, April 5, 2013 at 10:49 PM - Response #5

Marla - they were posing as classmates, and this was after our site had been up for a while, and their 'demographics' simply did not match what I had been told about their professions, locations, etc.
Two listed home phones with area codes that were no where near the city they said they lived.
Another was living in a nursing home following a stroke, 99% disabled [among other things, could not speak or write], and I had personal knowledge that they had no living relatives, and were incapable of 'signing up' without assistance.
Yes, ever since I can remember, members must be verified my myself or by another admin.
[just call me paranoid!]

Friday, April 5, 2013 at 11:43 PM - Response #6

I always ask others (administrators and/orclassmates) if I do not recognize the name. We do have to be careful these days.

Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 4:04 PM - Response #7

Yes, I am seriously considering the verification on my single class year site.
Let's here how the multi-class sites and/or alumni association sites do this. Anyone?

Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 6:21 PM - Response #8

Speaking of verification... If someone signs on and needs to be verified how much do they see before they are verified? Can they view everything and verification is only to stay on the sites?

Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 7:32 PM - Response #9

They can only see the non-password pages (the same as a non-logged in classmate)

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