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Email the Class/ Send a test

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/07/20 02:25 PM Views: 532 Replies: 5
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 2:25 PM

Am not receiving Test messages for Email the Class ready to go out. Consequently, we are now a week behind in time sensitive announcements and stories....a major way we stay connected.

Anyone else having this problem?

Edited 06/07/20 2:26 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 7:42 PM - Response #1

Same problem. Test email to myself alone sent at 1:07 p.m. PDT, 3 1/2 hours ago. Not received yet. Test emails usually come through in less than 5 minutes.

Edited 06/07/20 7:43 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 9:11 PM - Response #2

On one of my sites only about half the recipients have received emails from a few days ago. On another, no one has received an email sent about 6:30 Sunday morning.

Edited 06/07/20 9:11 PM
Monday, June 8, 2020 at 10:21 AM - Response #3

We sent out an email to all our class on June 5. As of June 8, Several of us still have NOT received it. Since then I have sent myself two "test messages", neither of which I have received.

Additionally, we updated our Home Page and I clicked to notify our class. No notifications. AND I cannot edit our event page AT ALL.

I have sent messages to CC and have a "Ticket number" for my concerns, but I have not heard a word. Does anyone know what is going on? Thank you!

Monday, June 8, 2020 at 4:38 PM - Response #4

June 8, 2020
4:35 PM EDT

We've hit a jackpot today!

Test emails are coming back to me within a 5 minute window as of noontime.

Once that was "solved, next problem:" we were missing all of our email names and addresses in the Select/Deselect area. A few hours later they reappeared.

I took a chance and sent an Email to the Class and right now, from email responses about content and the counter starting to click forward, I see it was received....I hope by all of the recipients!

On to the next problem. Trying to add another administrator. Site will allow us to check off the name of the person in a box with other administrators; we cannot secure a CC email address for her.

Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:41 PM - Response #5

This topic appears in multiple areas so some of you will receive multiple responses on this. Email the class issues should be resolved. If you are still experiencing specific issues with this feature on your site related to today 6/12/2020 or after you can post them here or complete a contact form with specifics about the exact issue that is happening. Please post here if it a specific section of the site and post on the contact form if a specific email address or classmate is affected and you want to include more detailed information.

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