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Bouncebacks & Missing Classmates

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/05/19 05:32 PM Views: 774 Replies: 3
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 5:32 PM

As we start planning for our 50th
[never thought I would live this long!]
has CC ever given the thought to adding those members with 'email bounce backs' to the Missing Classmates list? After all, if you can't contact them, aren't the effectively 'missing?'

When preparing an email to go to all 'current' members, this would make it easier to spread the names of classmates we have lost contact with, instead of having to go to two different areas to 'copy and paste' their names.
Also, it is a bit cumbersome to copy [and editing out the unwanted data] of the names from the 'bounce back' list.

Edited 06/05/19 5:34 PM
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 6:47 PM - Response #1

You can control how your site treats Missing Classmates under Edit Site Pages > Missing Classmates

If they haven't joined and their email has bounced you could delete their email from their Details page and it should place them back on missing depending on how you have missing set up.

Class Creator Support

Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 11:02 AM - Response #2

I have found that bouncebacks do not necessarily mean the email is wrong. I have spoken with many classmates over the year that have verified we have the correct email address but it bounces back. I just opened my website that I created and it is telling me that my email has bounced back. Not sure why this happens.

Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 12:59 PM - Response #3

Bounce backs happen for various reasons. The best way to test this would be to send an email directly from your personal email address. To see if it bounces back.

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