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Cropping Yearbooks

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/21/09 06:22 PM Views: 1485 Replies: 1
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 6:22 PM

Hello All:

I had the brilliant idea of asking for yearbooks...from kindergarten to high school. I have received many. I am scanning them in page by page. There was a book made of prom and it has every couple that attended. There are about 12 pages of this. I would love to easily crop them out and include them in the slide show at the reunion. I cropped each and every senior yearbook photo - it took hours. If there are any photoshop geniuses out there, please help!

I tried the "crop and straighten photos" function in photoshop but there are names under the picture that I would like to keep.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 8:43 PM - Response #1

You may already be more advanced than this it sounds like, but here's some free fundamental Photoshop skills training.

You may have also seen our help document for scanning and cropping images, but just in case you haven't here a link to it too.

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