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Walking away from sites ultimatum

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/18/14 03:37 PM Views: 1052 Replies: 3
Friday, April 18, 2014 at 3:37 PM

I'm just curious, have any of you had to make posts or send out basic ultimatums to the class that if there is not more participation then you would ultimately walk away from the responsibilities and close down the site?
I'm now really pondering that with both sites and have thought about throwing my hands in the air and refusing to assist with the reunion since I was the one who primarily did everything the last go around.
I don't think they realize that I am paying out of pocket for 2 sites to which no one bothers using despite the fact that Class Connection has launched.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I should say and how to say it so it doesn't come off kinda b*****??

Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4:06 PM - Response #1

Sorry to hear that you're not getting the level of participation you had hoped for. I'm not very tactful so I have no suggestions for a message that you might send to classmates.

You don't have to close down the sites but if you feel they aren't appreciated I wouldn't pay to have them renewed and would let them revert to ad supported. If, in the future, you or someone else decides to pick them up again all that has been done to date will not be lost.

I notice that the site from which you logged onto this forum has its own domain name. That would have to be renewed to access the site unless there is a way for CC to revert you to the generic URL like I use for my site.

Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4:48 PM - Response #2

Like FC, I'm not very tactful either. I agree with FC there are other solutions available.

First, I'd go to the 'ad' type of site, so that removes the cost of CC.

Second, use a site like to renew your domain name. $10/year

And last - IMO it has to be fun for YOU first. Participation is a reward too - just don't make it primary since it makes you dependent on something that you can't control.

It helps to have someone share the work. I wouldn't do this all by myself since some aspects - even though they are important - are not fun for me. Sort of like having to file taxes Twisted Evil

I suggest you ask if someone will share the work - explain in a positive way both the 'fun' experience and your concerns. You might be surprised at the response. It's basically how I got involved.

Jamie Reed wrote:

I don't think they realize that I am paying out of pocket for 2 sites to which no one bothers using despite the fact that Class Connection has launched.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I should say and how to say it so it doesn't come off kinda b*****??

Friday, April 18, 2014 at 6:05 PM - Response #3

Here's the thing..I've has this site for 5 years now. I've asked more than once for others to assist and I get nothing. I have updated forums over and over to get participation and nothing.
I am pretty much considering letting it lapse so it would be a free site and also removing myself as the person doing the reunion planning because it was a hard enough fight trying to get help then.
I'm sure people probably think that since I'm single with no kids that it shouldn't be that big of a deal but it gets very irritating when I'm the only one doing everything for the most part.
I know that if there is no one to plan then it won't happen just like our 15 but I can't really make that my problem and I need them to see that.

I'd have to really consider renewing my domains if I let them go to a free site.

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