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On-Site Survey

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/22/09 01:41 PM Views: 1393 Replies: 5
Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 1:41 PM

Hello all,

I was reviewing an outline from another class reunion planning site (don't worry, Brad, we're not going anywhere!...just wanted another approach to see what other methods we could use). Anyway, one of the tasks that they have listed for the committee is what they call 'On-Site Surveys'. Does anyone here know what they might be referring to? I have a member of my committee asking and I don't know what to tell her!!!!

Thanks for any help!


Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 1:57 PM - Response #1

We have surveys we may put on the site. I've done them. I'd call that an "on site survey". Look for your "survey maker" under admin functions.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 2:00 PM - Response #2

Can you send me a link? I'll check it out. No worries, it's ok to discuss other sites and systems here. All systems are different, fill different niches, and no system is for everyone. Anyone can find all competitors with a simple Google search anyway. Of course who could possibly stack up to Class Creator??? (what else would you expect me to say) Wink

Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 3:49 PM - Response #3

Ok all...I found out the answer!!!!!!

I was able to find a chat link for that site and had my question answered; according to them, an 'On-Site Survey' is a survey that is taken to find out what classmates liked and disliked about the reunion, as well as what they would like to see done differently at the next reunion.

Thought I'd share with everyone...

Thanks for your help!!!!!

P.S. Brad, I had actually checked this place out ( before coming across ClassCreator, and you can see who I went with... Very Happy

Edited 02/22/09 3:52 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 5:07 PM - Response #4

Brad Switzer wrote:

Of course who could possibly stack up to Class Creator??? (what else would you expect me to say) Wink

The answer to that is easy, No One!

Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 5:13 PM - Response #5

Good decision! Smile

Because I created Class Creator rather "on the fly" I had actually never checked out any competing systems if you can believe that. After we were up and running I went out and built sites on all other class web site systems to see how theirs differed from ours, and dare I say was far and away superior to all others. Looks like they run a good show over there.

Edited 02/22/09 5:29 PM
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