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After reunion items

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/21/09 04:53 PM Views: 1485 Replies: 1
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 4:53 PM

Is there a place to sell reunion items afterwards? I like the ability to sell tickets and items for an upcoming reunion but is there a way to sell items after it is over? I would like to sell video and DVD slideshow that will be created at the reunion. I would like for classmates to be able to return to this site and purchase them. Is that possible?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 5:40 PM - Response #1

Welcome Steve.

Short term answer. Try the PayPal widget. It easily embeds into any site

Long term answer: We're going to integrate a class store. It will be full of stock items that you can turn on or off to use for fundraising purposes, and you'll also be able to add just your own items if you wish. We just hired a full time person to take on this task alone, and expect to have the new class store feature in place sometime before Xmas.

Edited 07/21/09 5:41 PM
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