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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 09/26/08 03:50 AM Views: 1309 Replies: 4
Friday, September 26, 2008 at 3:50 AM

Hi Brad, just noticed that when you go to the FAQ there is no link to click on to return to the Forum, or I didn't see one. You have to click the browser back button. Also while I'm on the subject, in the "In Memory" page if you click on one deceased classmate's name in the edit mode, and then want to view another you have to start over and click on Edit Site Pages, then edit In Memory. Could you please put a toggle link to go back to the page with the list of names of the deceased?
Thanks Brad.

Friday, September 26, 2008 at 12:53 PM - Response #1

Joy Joy,

The Share Tips link at the top of each page, including the FAQ's page brings you back to the forum.

Friday, September 26, 2008 at 1:17 PM - Response #2

Hi Kath, thanks, I guess I should have clicked on all the links before opening my cyber mouth.EmbarassedSmile

Friday, September 26, 2008 at 1:35 PM - Response #3

Ask and you shall recieve! LOL Glad to help!Wink

Friday, September 26, 2008 at 7:16 PM - Response #4

Hilary Ho Sang wrote:

Also while I'm on the subject, in the "In Memory" page if you click on one deceased classmate's name in the edit mode, and then want to view another you have to start over and click on Edit Site Pages, then edit In Memory. Could you please put a toggle link to go back to the page with the list of names of the deceased?
Thanks Brad.

Slipping into my Devil's advocate mode: Why not just click the back button on your browser? We could put in yet another back button to get back to the list, yes. But, either way, you still have to click one time to get back whether you click your browser's back button, or our back button. A new button to get back to the list isn't going to save a single click. And I'm convinced pretty much everyone by now understands that you can click your browser's back button to go back one page. If I'm missin' sumthin', you let me know.

Edited 09/26/08 7:20 PM
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