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Is YouTube the only way to upload a video?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/30/13 11:57 AM Views: 1004 Replies: 2
Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 11:57 AM

I've been reading earlier posts and it seems that you can't directly upload a video file from your computer to the classcreator site, you must go thru a video host site, preferrably YouTube.

I know NOTHING about YouTube except that I do enjoy browsing it sometimes for videos of puppies (go figure), but can I upload a video to YouTube and keep it private? I don't want to make this video available to the world....nothing offensive about it, but I just don't want to put my name or anyone else on the planning committee's name on YouTube for the world to see.

Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 1:13 PM - Response #1

Only way? No. Easiest way? Yes. Technically you could upload a video into the file vault. However, you will also need to know enough HTML to find a video player to embed on the SOURCE view and then build the proper link paths from the player to the file vault. This is not really recommended, A - because unless you are comfortable with HTML, it can be confusing, B - because you will use a ton of file vault space hosting your videos, and C - you will find the your videos will stream faster from YouTube's servers than ours.

The process for uploading a video to YouTube and then using their embed code is fairly easy, and free. There are others out there such as Vimeo, but YouTube is the most popular.

As for privacy of the video, you can set the viewing setting to Unlisted. This means that it will not return in YouTube search results. Therefore, only people (you) with the direct link to the video will have access to view it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 6:22 PM - Response #2

Laurie, please let us know if you input your own using HTML or go with YouTube. I can't wait to see what you do! Very Happy

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