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History Video Pages

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 11/14/08 09:45 AM Views: 1283 Replies: 3
Friday, November 14, 2008 at 9:45 AM

Just a suggestion: Since we spend only 5 months or so of our senior year in our graduation year, put things in the History/Video pages from the previous year as well. I graduated in 1963 and the first video on the page is of the Kennedy assassination which occurred 5 months after graduation. I was in college at the time and never talked to anyone in my graduating class about it. It might be tough to get the exact timeline of each event but it would also be cool to have stuff from about August of the year preceding graduation to June of the graduation year. The same goes with music. Billboard puts out CD's with Top Rock and Roll Hits for each year but you have to get the preceding year to get everything that might have been played at "Sock Hops". Much of the music on these CD's became hits after graduation.

Friday, November 14, 2008 at 11:14 AM - Response #1

Although that is a great suggestion, it was very hard to find the videos from each time period, it took months. I had a very hard time finding enough for each year, especially before the 1990's.

That said, at some point you will have control over those video links and can change them and customize them so that the videos only cover the items you wish to cover.

I'm so glad that people are using this functionality and I really appreciate your input.

Friday, November 14, 2008 at 1:45 PM - Response #2

Yes, this one of the reasons that whole page will be editable, you can delete videos or add new ones, etc. Dave is working on this now.

We have year round schools, summmer schools, schools with different start and stop times, etc. The best thing we can do is provide a block of information for a year and then let people tweak it to their personal liking after that.

Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 3:08 PM - Response #3

There are a couple of things here that we are looking at along with other improvements to the system.

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