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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/16/13 08:37 PM Views: 991 Replies: 2
Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 8:37 PM

Several of my classmates are receiving 1/2 a page of our site. I am trying to determine how widespread this problem is on my site. Do you have any suggestions that my classmates or I can do to clear up this matter?

Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 2:07 PM - Response #1

Hi Linda,

This might be your issue... Go to this LINK and scroll down to Eric Bassey's reply about compatibility mode with browsers IE 8/9.

There are 30 replies on the page that I gave you a link to... scroll up to the top of the page... my first post (Marla) on the page is (I think) the 3rd posting, then Eric's is (I think) the fifth posting. If you are using (or your members are using Internet Explorer 8 or 9, (as I am) and followed Eric's instructions and it made the page appear correctly. There's always the other option to use a different browser like Firefox if they want.

For a couple of weeks after the upgrade of CC's in January I posted this on my home page...
"Updates to our site 1-27-2013, might affect
your viewing. If you are using browser Internet
Explorer 8 or 9 and page is not fully visible, it is
a compatibility mode issue, so do this....
Hit F12 on the keyboard, and select the menu
titled Browser Mode. Select Internet Explorer
9 from the menu (or 8 if that's what you have).
Also, might need to set the Document Mode
to IE9 (or 8 if that's what you have)
Standards -- not Quirks. If this does not help,
please email us at the 'contact us' link/tab/button."

Edited 03/17/13 2:17 PM
Monday, March 18, 2013 at 1:19 PM - Response #2

Thank you Marla... exactly... Hit F12 on the keyboard, and select the menu titled Browser Mode. Select Internet Explorer 9 from the menu (or 8 if that's what you have). Also, might need to set the Document Mode to IE9 (or 8 if that's what you have) Standards -- not Quirks. If this does not help, please email us at the 'contact us' link/tab/button.

Additionally, you users may have also had their browser font setting set too high. Adjusting the font size down may also help.

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