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CHAT Questions

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 12/16/09 12:17 PM Views: 1227 Replies: 1
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 12:17 PM

Hi, I recently implemented the LIVE CHAT feature on our site. Any pointers or suggestions out there? This is one inquiry I received from a classmate...
"I would love to participate in the live chat. I've noticed, though, that on the Home Page there were 2 other people online, but I was the only one listed under "Live Chat." So does that mean we all have to be on that page?"

(1) If I go into LIVE CHAT, and have my name enabled to SHOW MY NAME, (not hide my name) Will I be able to see the others online and just enter the conversation with everyone being able to see me?
(2) Is there only one topic of discussion at any one time, or can we make multiple topic chat rooms?

I do realize this is NOT (IM)Instant messaging, but most classmates are confused on just how to begin a "CHAT". Thanks!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM - Response #1

Most Admins are scheduling Live Chat sessions right now. When IM comes out you'll be able to invite other online users who are not in the Live Chat to come in and participate. Next up is the Photo Gallery feature going live to the system in the next few days, and then shortly after Christmas we'll be releasing IM.

Currently there is only 1 main chat room, yes.

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