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Questionable Contact

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/16/09 02:02 AM Views: 1249 Replies: 1
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 2:02 AM

I got an email from someone named Jim asking about how I got my wallpaper and another of the site things. I am reluctant to respond to because it appears he signed up and entered the site to leave me the message. Maybe I am wrong, but I have not seen the same kind of entry before and as of yet have not seen his entry in the Forum. There is even an IP address, which may be a good thing, but it really worries me. Ideas, suggestions?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 8:18 AM - Response #1

If there is an IP address, that just means that they used the CONTACT US form to contact you. They didn't sign up to your site, but just looked at your site by clicking the VIEW SITE button found in this forum. Then instead of sending you a Private Message (clicking the "email" button), they clicked CONTACT US from your website.

I don't think there is anything to worry about. I don't think there is a security hole here. If they were asking about your background, they probably really ARE another admin trying to figure out how you did it.

If you reply to the e-mail, you could probably include the URL to the backgrounds forum where you found those balls you use for background.

Edited 12/16/09 8:19 AM
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