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Profile Password

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/02/10 06:15 PM Views: 3832 Replies: 28
Friday, July 2, 2010 at 6:15 PM

At present classmates have the two options of opening their Profiles to everybody or classmates only. How about a third option of a personal “Profile Password” that classmates can give to friends & family to view their Profiles without opening their Profiles to the world?

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 12:37 AM - Response #1

Certainly easy enough to do. I guess my one concern with this is we'd be adding a new level of complexity to an area of the system that is already complex. Anyone like to weigh in?

Edited 07/14/10 9:28 PM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 12:54 AM - Response #2

I could see that as a good use of the product. Right now, I have my sister helping me to acquire information "back home" to help build the In Memory section. Fortunately, my sister is also a graduate of the same school, but 5 years later. My reunion committee generally prefers to add Guests only 1 prior year and 1 later year. Rather than adding her as a Guest, I could give her such a 'family/friend' password.

Of course, I think we would have to use great care to not allow access to other classmate information. That would be my only concern. I believe the only information that would need 'protected' would be accessing other classmate profiles, as they only authorized for other classmates to see. They shouldn't be able to use IM, chat, or use Message Center to send messages to other classmates. Probably most anything else would be fine.

However, I think this could cause some significant concern, so it really needs some thought. If my 'friend' defriends me for whatever reason, what then?

Edited 07/03/10 12:58 AM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 12:55 AM - Response #3

I'm on the fence on this one. Simply because relationships are relative. What happens when you're in disfavor ? Change passwords? Not sure more risks than the good it will do perhaps. Question

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 1:00 AM - Response #4

Thelma Alcordo wrote:

I'm on the fence on this one. Simply because relationships are relative. What happens when you're in disfavor ? Change passwords? Not sure more risks than the good it will do perhaps. Question

After seeing above thoughts, I think I would agree. Perhaps more risk than benefit. Heck (joking), my wife might get really mad at me for Instant Messaging my old school girl friend.............heehee.

Edited 07/03/10 1:02 AM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 7:11 AM - Response #5

After reading the responses, I can see where this could be a real can or worms, while benefiting few. Better to create a "family" site using CC, or wait for the new product from CC for family web sites.

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 7:37 AM - Response #6

I agree with the concerns. One of the best things about this site is the privacy, and while I'm sure CC would create really good protecton, I'd hate to see that jeopardized in any way. I would think if we wanted our profile seen by more people, using something like Facebook would be better. Why re-invent the wheel....

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 8:39 AM - Response #7

The reason many of us joined THIS site was because of the front-end work that made this site to what it is today. CC has developed a product that is second to none and I would hate to see the "tightness" of the product compromised.

Small gain, large risk!

There are other features that are more attractive to those of us who support CC and this is not one I support.



Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 8:43 AM - Response #8

I also vote "No."

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 10:42 AM - Response #9

My vote is NO

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM - Response #10

NO seems like the best vote on this one! Good idea though.

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 1:05 PM - Response #11

Wow! There seems to be a lot of negativity out there! As I understand the proposal, the option would be for individual classmates to choose to let friends/family see their individual profile page (and only their individual profile page) with a personal password. Most of the comments posted seem to assume that the personal password would open up the entire site; I don't think that was suggested at all. I don't think that this idea introduces any risk, other than for the individual who might make a bad choice of friends! But, again, the risk is only for that individual. I think it's a good idea that adds some flexibility to the system and might encourage people to add more content to their profile.

Edited 07/03/10 7:10 PM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 6:01 PM - Response #12

I VOTE NOTwisted EvilExclamation

Edited 07/03/10 6:02 PM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 7:04 PM - Response #13

Actually, if all the family or friend is to get is look at the Profile, do like I did for my Mom who can't sit at the computer well anymore. Print it out, and give it to her! Mail it to the friends...........

I'm going with the majority, with NO.

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 8:00 PM - Response #14

I really don't see anything wrong with the basic concept. Lane sure has their site under control--just about every page is already controlled with a password. No "fun" for us Site Admins that's for sure! My suggestion if CC implements this 3rd password concept, is to be sure to make all pages that any classmate can post to, a READ-ONLY page. No comments or uploads permitted.

Right now on a single year site there is the provision for "Classmates" and another for "Guests." Does this mean you will be having to add another for "Friends & Family?" If so, I hope we will still get that one for "Teachers & Faculty" that was promised several months ago, FIRST!

I'm not clear on what you will do when the "family or friend" starts e-mailing or posting that password on Facebook or some other public place. Please Brad, if you decided to implement this idea--give us Site Admin's a way to turn on or off the feature, either as a whole site or for individuals.

Edited 07/03/10 8:01 PM
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 8:50 PM - Response #15

John Christman wrote:

I really don't see anything wrong with the basic concept. Lane sure has their site under control--just about every page is already controlled with a password. No "fun" for us Site Admins that's for sure! My suggestion if CC implements this 3rd password concept, is to be sure to make all pages that any classmate can post to, a READ-ONLY page. No comments or uploads permitted.

Right now on a single year site there is the provision for "Classmates" and another for "Guests." Does this mean you will be having to add another for "Friends & Family?" If so, I hope we will still get that one for "Teachers & Faculty" that was promised several months ago, FIRST!

I'm not clear on what you will do when the "family or friend" starts e-mailing or posting that password on Facebook or some other public place. Please Brad, if you decided to implement this idea--give us Site Admin's a way to turn on or off the feature, either as a whole site or for individuals.

JOHN What was the number on the train, The Train looks like one they just rebuilt in Sacramento that was from up that way. It's in old Town Sacramento Now

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 9:04 PM - Response #16


That was the McCloud River RR #25, with Mount Shasta in the background.

What a shame if that is one and the same. So much of what winds up at Sacramento is never run again--just a static display.

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 9:11 PM - Response #17

John Christman wrote:


That was the McCloud River RR #25, with Mount Shasta in the background.

What a shame if that is one and the same. So much of what winds up at Sacramento is never run again--just a static display.

This one is up and running again, not sure where it will be Very Happy

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 11:54 PM - Response #18

I believe that the concept is good, but my folks remain confused about how to turn on their computer. If it were implemented, I would have to keep it a secret. If word did get out, then there would be a clamor and massive emails about exactly what someone would be able to see on the site about other people. I believe that my folks are also nonreaders. Still gotta love 'em though! :O)

I would think that if my friend wanted to see my profile, then one evening they could come over and I would sit at my computer and show it to them.

My 2 cents...Margaret

Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 1:10 AM - Response #19

This is why I like to ask. The heavy no sentiment above concerns primarily security, but that factored in with my initial concern of complicating usability tips the scales toward the no end on this one. Thanks for your input everyone. Although I do see the clear value in this idea, reality is there's plenty of other ways to share a Profile with a non member as referenced above. No doubt not as convenient as having a Friends & Family Profile Password, but security and usability concerns prevail on this one.

Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 2:06 AM - Response #20


Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 7:49 AM - Response #21

The NOs have it. Smile

Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 8:13 AM - Response #22

Thanx Brad..
You Guys ROCK!!!!!


Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you are spending it with family!!!
Come on over to ChiTown...I am having a pool party!!!
Serving Ribs,Filets, Pork Tenderloin, corn on the cob, pasta salad...White & Red Sangria...La Leche cake and melons for dessert. And awesome Guacamole..and assorted dips.
We are going to have a squirt gun fight...boys agaianst the girls.Twisted EvilTwisted Evil

Monday, July 5, 2010 at 10:06 PM - Response #23

Thanks for supporting the KISS method!


Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 12:00 PM - Response #24

I just found that my suggested Family & Friends Password generated several responses, nearly all negative. It may be a dead issue by now, but I’ll make a few comments anyway.

1. There’s a fairly simple solution to all of the objections – give each website's administrator control over activating the Family & Friends Password feature. This is already done for other features that might be controversial, like the “Hide my name” feature in the “Who’s online now” box.

2. Several people thought the Family & Friends Password would be like the system password, giving access to everything on the website. My intention was for the Family & Friends Password to give access only to a single classmate's profile, in the same way that not checking the Profile Visibility box gives access only to that classmate's profile.

A Family & Friends Password would actually reduce the likelihood of non-classmates getting access to everything. As things are now, there is an incentive for classmates to give their own logon password to family and friends. A Family & Friends Password would reduce that incentive to some extent.

3. As for the objection to non-classmates posting messages and comments, this possibility already exists for classmates who don’t check the Profile Visibility box. Everybody in the world can post messages and comments on those profiles.

4. Yes, a Family & Friends Password may get loose in the world. That's a risk the classmate chooses to take when passing out the password to family & friends, it's a risk only to that classmate, and the classmate can change the password.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 12:32 PM - Response #25

I have a list of selective things here I call "Advanced Preferences". It's a bunch of stuff that we don't necessarily want to put in the stock system, if for no other reason clarity and usability. So we're going to make an "Advanced Preferences" page with all kinds of little things including this that some people want and some people don't. The idea will be to have new Admins get comfortable with the stock system as it exists, and then as they gain competence running everything they'll be able to go into Advanced Preferences and turn on things to further tweak their sites.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 12:45 PM - Response #26

Great. Thanks.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 1:44 PM - Response #27

I like it -- the Advanced Options idea.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 1:54 PM - Response #28

Brad Switzer wrote:

The idea will be to have new Admins get comfortable with the stock system as it exists, and then as they gain competence running everything they'll be able to go into Advanced Preferences and turn on things to further tweak their sites.


One thing I like about what you have already started doing (such as with the IM feature) is for us Admin's to have a bit more control. My wish would be that even more control could be given to us "more advanced/experienced" Admins. It just might cut down on the number of requests for features etc.

I realize this is a "learning experience" for all of us, both CC staff and us Site Admins. As I've mentioned to you before, you and your team have certainly done a magnificent job thus far. You are so far ahead of your "so called competition." I for one would like to see more check boxes, to turn on/off specific features within a feature.

Here's just a few of many on my list:
1. As more and more of us are wanting to use our own CSS, have a checkbox (probably more than one) allowing the ability to insert our own custom coding.
2. A more generic "page design" so those of us could insert our own photo collage across the top of the page or any number of other scenario's.
3. Your "professional" designs won't permit me to do what your "themed" designs do.

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