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Actual Day of Graduation

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/05/11 05:15 PM Views: 1630 Replies: 3
Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 5:15 PM

Does anyone have any great ideas for an online extravaganza the actual day of graduation. Our graduation date is June 1 and I'd like to be ready to do something special and right now I'm brain dead.

Thanks in advance

Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 9:05 PM - Response #1


I'm in much the same circumstance you are. About a month ago I started a "Countdown to Graduation" (green-background box) halfway down on our home page. So there's sort of a build up to it but what to do then is still up in the air.

Could have any of a number of .gif firework displays, cap-and-gown images, or similar playing Pomp and Circumstances. If any classmate's parents/relatives took movies, get them digitized and on YouTube. Regular pictures of the event should work as well.

I have a show of all the classmates yearbook pictures also playing on my home page. There might be another format of this that superimposes a static cap w/ tassel on it.

What memorabilia do you have from that day that you might integrate into this... Commencement Invitation, Commencement program, scan of a degree handed out then, scan of a tassel,... etc.?

That's what comes off the top of my head. Hope others have more ideas.


Monday, May 9, 2011 at 6:18 PM - Response #2

Here's a nice YouTube Video of Composer Edward Elgar conducting the familiar Pomp & Circumstance recorded in 1931 with a nice video. CLICK TO VIEW

There are longer versions of the song on YouTube, but this is the familiar processional, recessional theme.
No embed available, just the link:

Monday, May 9, 2011 at 8:25 PM - Response #3

John Chidester wrote:

No embed available, just the link:

Embed is available, John. It's hidden behind the "share" button. I think Youtube changed that recently, and I had to hunt for it. Here you go:

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