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Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 2:03 PM
I would like to hear from anyone who has a non-class-site using CC, and your experiences in 'modifying' pages to fit your needs. I know there are several such groups, including hunting/shooting groups, condo/homeowners associations, etc. that use CC. I have been asked to create such a page for a local historical group, and, instead of 'reinventing the wheel,' I would like to get some ideas from others [I simply don't have time to recreate everything, and want to modify some of what others have done.] {I don't suppose CC has a 'list' that could be made available to admin's of non-school sites do they, that we could look at their PUBLIC information, do they?} Steve P.S. - ({[Hope those of you in the East are coping with Jonas - here on the Texas Gulf Coast, we don't have to worry with shoveling snow.]})
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Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 6:48 PM - Response #1
Steve, I have a site for my former employer, Wachovia. The website is The password for protected pages is: petunia I used to host a site for the United Methodist Womens' Circles - but it's inactive. I don't have the address immediately available -- you could perhaps find it using the search words Main St United Methodist, Circles (Kernersville NC)
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Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 6:55 PM - Response #2
In addition to our high school website, I also manage a site for our school's education association - Prairie Central School Education Association: You can see how it's been set up on the home page. If you'd like the password to see more pages, just let me know.
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Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7:39 AM - Response #3
Rhonda and Irma - Thanks! This gives me some 'direction' and a few ideas I had not thought of! Your replies are much appreciated! 
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Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 4:18 PM - Response #4
I am the Webmaster for my high school graduating class. I may be asked to create a Website on behalf of my condo association. I've found a couple of forum threads addressed to the use of CC for non-school sites, and will study them. One of my favorite things to do is to take something designed for A and make it work for B. One thing that is clear to me is that a lot of work is required at my end to make all the modifications from "vanilla" CC to what I want. No surprise there and I look forward to it. What I want to verify is my assumption the condo can get the same trial period as my high school got. I also think I remember correctly that during the trial period CC gives a temporary domain name. If my recollection is correct, is that still the practice? Thanks. Barry Levinsky
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Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 4:32 PM - Response #5
No, there is no domain name. The trial period is the same. The new website you create will work with the "Directory Name Structure", meaning that the domain name will still be We have never provided a temporary domain name. (domain names are optional) Your condo association can remain on the "Free (ads)" version if you don't mind the advertisements.
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Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 5:08 PM - Response #6
Thanks! I remember (short term memory is one of the first things to go), I think, how the trial period works.
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Monday, January 23, 2023 at 9:33 AM - Response #7
Hi Steve, did you ever set up your non-class site? I need to create one or more now. it would also be a non member site. I do not want to require viewers to create a login. I want the site to have a genera login password which I will distribute. Thank You
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Monday, January 23, 2023 at 3:05 PM - Response #8
Hi Toni, I posted this in the other areas you asked the question. Just posting it here as well You can turn off the display for the sign-in on the home page under the Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages > Edit Page > Home Page in the top section that controls logins, right hand modules etc. you can also turn off any right hand modules you don't need there. You can leave the home page open and just password protect any other page. You can create a system password for them to access those pages without having to create separate logins. You will be the only one who needs to login so you can access the admin functions and manage the site. Jessica Class Creator Support