Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 8:26 PM - Response #1
The only way to copy the contents of one custom page to another is to actually COPY the codes. Go to the page where you want to copy the contents FROM. Click on SOURCE and select everything in that window - including all of the special codes (On a Windows machine, Ctrl-A will select everything). Copy the contents to the clipboard (on a Windows machine, press Ctrl-C to copy) Don't delete it yet. Now go to the Destination custom page where you want to paste it. If you already have text on that page, go to where you want the new text to be placed. Now type "ZZZ" this is so you can easily find the spot where you want to paste it. Click the SOURCE button and search for "ZZZ". Now delete ZZZ and paste the codes from your source page (On a Windows machine, it is Ctrl-V to Paste). Save the page. Now if it copied right, just go back to the custom page you are trying to reuse and delete the contents.