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Emailing the Class count

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/23/14 06:37 PM Views: 873 Replies: 9
Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 6:37 PM

it seems that each time I send out an email to the class, the count seems to go down. Why?

Friday, January 24, 2014 at 3:21 PM - Response #1

Recently, due to new email regulations, restrictions and policies, we were forced to make some changes to the way our system send email to members. We are no longer able to simply send emails to those people who have not opted into receiving email / joined the system. We are continuing to work on an alternate method for you to be able to continue to send emails to these particular members.

So the drop in the emails sent is largely due to this new policy. Otherwise, emails sometimes fall off the list due to bounceback issues. When this happens, the user must send themselves a verification message that they need to receive at their email address, and click on the link provided. That will clear their bounceback status.

Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 11:25 AM - Response #2

Our group is within days of our first general invitation to our classmates to join our Class Creator site. (We have been inviting a small number of classmates to join individually since the first of the year, as a beta test). We had planned to use the custom choice on the "Email the Class" page to send the invitation to all people who have not yet joined. But Scott writes, "We are no longer able to simply send emails to those people who have not opted into receiving email / joined the system." Our class does have our own independent database of classmate email addresses, as well as a gmail account, which we are planning to utilize in a double rollout of our initial general invitation. What are the implications of Scott's words above for a general invitation through the Class Creator system?

Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 12:42 PM - Response #3

You are allowed ONE email to classmates who haven't joined yet. If they don't join after that, you must use your personal email account (or Facebook or snail mail) to continue contacting them.

Those you have contacted individually, if they still have not joined, you will have ONE CHANCE after these email regulations were put into place. If you have already sent them that email, their status on EMAIL THE CLASS will be "NOT JOINED" which means they have had their initial email but still have not joined. If they have joined, but have not opted to receive emails yet, their email status will be "OPT IN REQUESTED" and you will not be able to send them another email from the system.

Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 12:46 PM - Response #4

Thanks, Kyle. I found the 12/17/2013 initial announcement of this change a few minutes ago (there is so much to follow), and was just reading it as you sent me your reply here. I guess it does not hurt to have the question and answer posted again.

Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 12:22 PM - Response #5

I dislike this policy. You are making it more difficult for me to contact my classmates. I expect Class Creator to help me, not hinder me. I am angry.

Monday, January 27, 2014 at 3:21 PM - Response #6

I can certainly appreciate that David. Unfortunately it's really not a matter of helping or hindering. In fact, if we put it into the context of helping or hindering, we're helping all users including you much more than before due to the new policy. You really don't want numerous emails you're sending to be blocked, never to reach their intended destination.

Over the years email spam restrictions and email etiquette has really tightened. You won’t likely find a single system anymore that allows you to load up hundreds or thousands of email addresses and then email to those same addresses repeatedly without anybody opting in. If you know of one let me know – if any still exist I’m certain they are having the same problems we were having. Imagine if somebody allowed a system where a third party could put your private email on a list, then email to you over and over again, without you having ever opted in to receiving such emails. I suspect you'd be angry about that, too.

Technically, you are marketing your class web site to people who have not joined. That's how the major email providers of the world view it, anyway. You simply can't do that anymore without getting your primary email address blacklisted. You and others really don't want our primary email address to continue to get blacklisted by sending emails to those who never asked for them. Again if we continued to do that, and emails are being blocked, you're not achieving your goal that way either.

There’s no way you or anyone else could know the blacklisting issues we were dealing with here, so again I can certainly understand why you’d take the position you have. For the sake of the system, our email and IP reputation, and overall email deliverability for all, we had to take the swift action we took.

A new system to segment and send emails and send via local email (or copy and paste to webmail, which is easier than it sounds) should be ready shortly. Given the circumstance it's really pretty slick so stay tuned for that.

To be perfectly frank, we actually made a mistake in allowing this as long as we did. When the blacklisting issues started amassing we should have nipped this in the bud at its source many months earlier. The good news in any case, is the problem is solved, and a new system to help send emails locally (or via webmail) to non joined classes is on the way shortly.

Note that for anybody who has opted in to receiving emails from your site you can continue to use the Email the Class system is normal. This new policy only pertains to emailing people who have never joined your web site. I hope this new non joined classmate tool will be of help to you and others. Hope you understand our position.

Edited 01/27/14 3:27 PM
Monday, January 27, 2014 at 9:48 PM - Response #7

Is it possible to spit out the set of people whose email addresses I supplied, but who didn't opt in? I'd rather not have to resurrect them one-by-one.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 12:50 PM - Response #8

Use this link:
to get a list of anyone who has unsubscribed or is marked as "Opt-In Pending"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 4:05 PM - Response #9

The EMAIL THE CLASS page SEARCH input field allows you to search for "OPT" or "PENDING" to show you the "OPT-IN PENDING" or you could search for "JOINED" or "NOT" to find those who are "NOT JOINED"

Not sure if this is what you are asking or not.

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