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Admins.... It is time to chat!

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/26/11 06:10 PM Views: 2087 Replies: 33
Monday, September 26, 2011 at 6:10 PM

Borrowing Gary's post from another thread:
Gary Hodge wrote:

By the way guys (and ladies). When is our next online admins meeting going to be?

There is no better time than the present to get this ball rolling and a site is almost ready for Admins interested in sharing and learning in chats!

As soon as the site opens, the site address will be shared here. You... the site admins will suggest topics for the chats. Understand, the chat site is not replacing this forum. We may throw in a survey about a recent chat or a poll for fun.

First, I ask who would like to be part of a small committee? We will choose chat topics from all Admin suggestions and choose the Admins who will present a sample from their page and answer questions.

The first few topics and times will be announced on the site as soon as they are chosen. Admins will be welcome to offer to be a presenter of a chat - alone or as part of a small team.

Would you like to be on the chat committee? Please send me an email using the button to the left.

Let's get started! Very Happy

Edited 09/26/11 6:14 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 3:43 AM - Response #1

Yes. I would like to be on one of your chat committees. My website is for a 50th class reunion to be held in 2013. 36% of our class have joined since Sept. 2010; only 33% of them have committed to attending the reunion thus far. Would that come close to a topic about which you'd like to have a chat? If not, I'm open to most anything.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 3:53 AM - Response #2

Thanks Gwen. I too would like to be a part of this. Great way to get the ball rolling, so to speak! Your ideas are fantastic. Please count me in! I think this will provide a better way to interact than just reading our excellent and very much appreciated forums if it takes place on a somewhat regular basis.

As long as we are considering ideas, I just wish we had some audio visual capabilities we could use, like sound or video chat, here. This could possibly be enjoyable because we could all talk / chat and possibly watch to listen to music and /or videos if we were to have a holiday online meeting with a theme for holloween or christmas. Perhaps we could even meet on another place online, if necessary and someone wanted to possibly "donate" a web presence or create one where this could be accomplished if we can't do all that in the future. Each of us could be given the URL, etc... However, until we are able to do all of this, it's really great that you are trying to restart this idea of us getting together for our typing chat meetings.

As a topic, we could also discuss our schools and communities. (Just an idea.)

Edited 09/27/11 4:20 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 4:18 PM - Response #3


Last I looked, GoToMeeting had an offer of a 30-day trial. Maybe someone will offer to host. Right now, I see our chats being once a month for an hour. However, a holiday theme chat could be additional. That is not a bad idea. There is no reason to waste the space!

Holiday theme... extra chat possibility. Smile

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 4:23 PM - Response #4


I was tossing and turning when your email hit my BlackBerry last night. I almost came back to answer.

There are several subjects with your reunion! What is the main topic you would like to discuss?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 4:56 PM - Response #5

Admin Chat... additional info.

Chat Committee Members will:

  • Assist in completing set-up of the site. (I do not intend for this to be "my site.")
  • Work together in choosing chat topics.
  • Work together in choosing other admins as topic presenters.
  • Take turns as chat hosts.
  • Be chat site admins..
  • Use the chat site admin forums as a base of communication.
  • work as a team.

... and other tasks as we begin sharing our thoughts on future chats.

Topic Presenters will: (1-3 presenters per topic)

  • volunteer to present a topic.
  • prepare and provide a sample of the topic on a page of the chat site, including links to resources. (when applicable)
  • provide an announcement for the home page about the topic. (subject to editing by chat committee admins)

In making this a site for all, suggestions will always be welcome via the chat site's Contact Us. The site address will be provided soon.

I prefer to have the site committee members onboard and their input on the site first. This depends upon response.

Chat committee volunteers... step up, please. Smile

Edited 09/27/11 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 8:20 PM - Response #6

Gwen Corey wrote:


Last I looked, GoToMeeting had an offer of a 30-day trial. Maybe someone will offer to host. Right now, I see our chats being once a month for an hour. However, a holiday theme chat could be additional. That is not a bad idea. There is no reason to waste the space!

Holiday theme... extra chat possibility. Smile

Not intenting to waste the space.

And perhaps CC could even provide this one or two times a month meeting opportunity as a new benefit, considering the financial investments / committments our committees have invested to be here. Just saying.

Edited 09/27/11 8:27 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 9:31 PM - Response #7


If you are talking about the chat, that space is good. No problems. Is that it?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 12:35 AM - Response #8

Gwen Corey wrote:


If you are talking about the chat, that space is good. No problems. Is that it?

Yes. Not sure what else you mean. Now I'm starting to get confused.

Edited 09/28/11 12:35 AM
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 8:12 AM - Response #9

Hi Gwen,
Just read your post. Sounds more interesting than I thought. I don't mind doing it. I don't work, but I'm having out-patient surgery 2 weeks from today (the 12th). I'll have plenty of time both before and after, just not on that day. It also would give me an opportunity to practice keeping interest in my site for our 50th reunion. I'm running out of ideas. But beware, I'm a novice.

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 11:11 AM - Response #10

Back in the days of AOL chats, three colons on either side of words showed an action. That shared...

:::knocking on your monitor screen - from the inside:::


Yes, you.

You are invited to register on a site provided for all Admins. It is a site for us to chat in real time - anytime - and have Live Chats by topics.

Head on over to (un-named site), grab a place and register. Should the first places be taken, please send a Contact Us note on the site. We'll set you up a.s.a.p.!

The site is quite bare right now, due to lack of volunteers. The User Forums is set for different types of sites. Please use the section that applies to you.

Who will be the first to register? Don't be last. Smile

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 4:56 PM - Response #11

If you tried to enter the site earlier, I had it password protected until I was ready to open it. Surprised That didn't help!

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 9:47 PM - Response #12

Still can't log into the site you created. Asking for a password and won't let me create a profile or see if my name is on the site list.

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 10:16 PM - Response #13


Names are not 'on the list', as I do not know everyone's name. Grab an Admin #### and use it to change to your name, add a password and sign in. That should work, it worked for me on a trial. Smile

I'll be watching for you... and you... and you... Smile

Edited 10/01/11 10:54 AM
Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 10:50 AM - Response #14

Don't be shy. Do not fear. This 'yet to be named' site is open to all Admins!

Go to

You will find:

  • A space waiting just for you.
  • A contest open only to those who join the site.
  • The forums ready and waiting for your input.
  • Two fall backgrounds with links to capture one for your site. (Found in Admin Forums on the site)

Remember, this site is for us to share in real time. See another admin on the site, don't be bashful... say Hi! Smile

Coming to the site... Live Chats.

See you there soon! Very Happy

Edited 10/01/11 10:53 AM
Monday, October 3, 2011 at 3:00 PM - Response #15

Open Topic Chat

will be open

Monday, October 3rd, at 7:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)*

Drop in to say hello, share and laugh a bit.

Bring your topic suggestions and good ideas!

Be sure to answer the survey "Chat Scheduling" and to
suggest a name for the site in the Admin Forums at Chat.

*If the day is not good for you, please use the Contact Us form on the site.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 4:11 PM - Response #16

Darn I missed it Sad

How did it go? Are you having another one.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 6:16 PM - Response #17

Hi Peter,

Obviously, I posted it Sunday evening so a turnout was not expected. One admin came to the site but not the Live Chat and then left. Gary came late due to other obligations and we chatted a bit about the site. That was it. You didn't miss a ton of info ... this time! Wink

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:19 PM - Response #18

Registered 8 PM is better for us Left Coasters.

Looking forwardto next chat

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:24 PM - Response #19

Attention All Admins:

You are all welcome to register at The site is for all of us - Admins with sites on Class Creator. If you are waiting for more admins to join and the next person does the same, we will be waiting for you while you are all waiting. So come on in. Check out the site. It is beginning to grow and needs your input.

In the Admin Forums at Chat, you will find a thread to add a topic you would like to learn more about.

Again, come on over to the site... register... leave a message in the Forums and take the short survey "Chat Scheduling." As soon as our membership grows a bit more, we'll extend an invite to Brad to join us in a chat. Smile

Next chat... Open Topic... Monday, October 10th at 8pm ET.*

* Time changed for the West Coast. If this is in the middle of anyone's TV time, please make your suggestions in the site's forums. Thanks!

Edited 10/04/11 7:30 PM
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:25 PM - Response #20

One more thing... you all know about private chats/IMs on our sites. If you see another Admin on the site, do not be shy... say Hi! All they can do is ... not reply. Wink

NOTE: For the YEAR on your profile, please choose the year your started your site (or first site) on Class Creator. Thanks!

Edited 10/04/11 7:28 PM
Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 12:44 PM - Response #21

*** REMINDER ***

LIVE CHAT UPDATE... a second day has been added!

Monday, October 10th, at 8:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)


Wednesday, October 12th, at 8:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)

Drop in to say hello, share and laugh a bit.

Bring your topic suggestions and good ideas!

Be sure to answer the survey "Chat Scheduling".

The site is open to ALL site administrators.

Edited 10/12/11 4:33 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 6:22 PM - Response #22

Hey.....I just happened to visit this forum and see the ref. to a "Chat' scheduled 90 min from now. I'm the Root Admin for 4 sites and would have loved to participate - but didnt know about it timely enough. 3 of my young grandchildren are here.

The reason for this post -- next time could an email be sent to all Root Admins? (Or asked another way - what could be done differently that I would have had a chance to organize my schedule to accomodate?

Irma Comer
Kernersville, NC

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 7:53 PM - Response #23

Hi Irma,

Thanks for the post. We are just starting up, so we'll try to hold the best until you can join us. Laughing Okay, maybe we will stumble upon a great topic, but we'll try to capture notes for you to read.

Be sure to join the site, as information will be sent from the site. Your thoughts of sending an email out to all root admins is a good one. However, with close to 14,000 sites, the response could be more than the room can handle at once...25.

Enjoy your grands and hopefully, we will see you next time.

Gwen Smile

Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 7:12 PM - Response #24

LIVE CHAT - Open to all Site Admins

Monday, October 17th, at 7:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)


Wednesday, October 19th, at 8:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)

Two days - Two different times!

Drop in to say hello, share and laugh a bit.

Bring your topic suggestions and good ideas!

Be sure to check out the Fall backgrounds in the Admin Chat Forums and answer the survey "Chat Scheduling".

The site is open to ALL site administrators.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 11:25 AM - Response #25

I'm so glad you used that one happy Halloween graphic.For some reason I like that one the most. It's so simple and was so simple to make but it's cool. LOL!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 7:53 PM - Response #26

Irma Comer wrote:

Hey.....I just happened to visit this forum and see the ref. to a "Chat' scheduled 90 min from now. I'm the Root Admin for 4 sites and would have loved to participate - but didnt know about it timely enough. 3 of my young grandchildren are here.

The reason for this post -- next time could an email be sent to all Root Admins? (Or asked another way - what could be done differently that I would have had a chance to organize my schedule to accomodate?

Irma Comer
Kernersville, NC

Please go to the site, register and then you will receive emails. Smile
- Gwen

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 7:55 PM - Response #27

Barbara Ecker wrote:

Hi Gwen,
Just read your post. Sounds more interesting than I thought. I don't mind doing it. I don't work, but I'm having out-patient surgery 2 weeks from today (the 12th). I'll have plenty of time both before and after, just not on that day. It also would give me an opportunity to practice keeping interest in my site for our 50th reunion. I'm running out of ideas. But beware, I'm a novice.


When you are back at the computer, please go to the site (button on the left) and register.

Hope you are feeling better each day.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 7:56 PM - Response #28


OPEN TOPIC Live Chat is ready for you!

Come on over to

See you there! Smile


Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 9:30 PM - Response #29

Anyone else want to join us? We are still in chat.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 10:11 PM - Response #30

The World Series might more important, but we had a chat with several of you this evening. Next Wednesday evening, we'll make it 8-10 pm ET for those on both U.S. coasts!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 11:28 PM - Response #31

It was great chatting with several of you this evening... even those who came in two hours late. Smile

We will adjust the times and add another date if volunteers step up.

The site has a name.... "TAP - The Administrator's Place". Thanks to Gary Hodges for the name during Monday's chat. Follow the link to the left to get there.

Be sure to drop by the site often. Check out the TAP Forums, too!

Friday, October 21, 2011 at 12:59 AM - Response #32

I would have been there but to me the World Series was more important seeing that I live in St. Louis and well I am a Cardinals fan and all!
Hoping to make it to the next one.

Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 10:09 PM - Response #33

Answers: World Series. Monday Night Football. Reality TV.

: Why are there two scheduled chats a week?

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

LIVE CHAT - Open to all Site Admins

Monday, October 24th, at 10:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)


Wednesday, October 26th, at 8:00 pm (Eastern Time, USA)

Two days - Two different times!

Drop in to say hello, share and laugh a bit.

Bring your topic suggestions and good ideas!

Be sure to check out the Fall backgrounds and Halloween graphics in the Admin Chat Forums. Have some to share, do add them.

Please, answer the survey "Chat Scheduling".

The site is open to ALL site administrators.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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