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new download option

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/12/12 08:21 AM Views: 1408 Replies: 11
Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 8:21 AM

First of all, thank you very much for this much-improved downloading capability, particularly the ability to get a single class year and also specify columns. I just did a download for the 1991 class and in the column for Profile, there are a number of alumni who have never enrolled on the site, yet this column has a "yes" in it. I checked the first two on the list and there is nothing on their Profile pages. Am I misunderstanding something?

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 8:52 AM - Response #1

There isn't a "Profile" column, only a "Profile Displayed" column.

Maybe I don't understand this column, but I think it is supposed to display "No" if you haven't viewed the new information in the column. But I tried it with your 2007 and it didn't work like that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 9:10 AM - Response #2

I presume you'll be asking someone "in the know" what Profile Displayed (sorry I misspoke) really means, but at this point having all every alumni with a "yes" in that column tells me nothing. To me it should indicate whether there is anything in any of the fields. This should be regardless of whether they've logged in or not (for a few older alumni, we've entered some information even though they haven't logged in). If this isn't what Profile Displayed is supposed to show, perhaps this can be added.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:12 AM - Response #3

Oh, a puzzle! Okay, it is only a puzzle until confirmation comes in from CC as to what it is.

My thought...

When setting up a new member, we are given the option to "Show On Class List". To me this is the same as "Profile Display". If it is the same, this would be something to add to a 'what does this mean' pdf.

One more thing to check... moving to other window. If I have more, I'll add as an edit. Wink

I'm always up for a puzzling question! Fun and another learning moment!

I added a member "Test Test II" to the TAP site. Where it asks us to "Show On Class List" I toggled NO.

Next, I ran a full download. Under the Profile Display column, Test Test II showed No.

Drum roll, please...

The answer is:
Profile Display = Show On Class List
It displays a YES, No or Guest.

Thanks for the puzzle this Saturday morning! Smile

Edited 05/12/12 10:24 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:32 AM - Response #4

P.S. There is nothing better than completing a puzzle... except when you do it as a team. I wonder if I would have solved this as quickly without Kyle's input. I do believe it helped me look in the right direction.

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Edited 05/12/12 10:53 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM - Response #5

Thanks Gwen. I probably should have known that, but since there is a new feature that appears on the "Classmate Profile" and keeps track of which profiles you have seen, I thought maybe the new downloadable field was related to that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM - Response #6

Thanks Gwen. I probably should have known that, but since there is a new feature that appears on the "Classmate Profile" and keeps track of which profiles you have seen, I thought maybe the new downloadable field was related to that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM - Response #7

Thanks Gwen. I probably should have known that, but since there is a new feature that appears on the "Classmate Profile" and keeps track of which profiles you have seen, I thought maybe the new downloadable field was related to that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM - Response #8

Thanks Gwen. I probably should have known that, but since there is a new feature that appears on the "Classmate Profile" and keeps track of which profiles you have seen, I thought maybe the new downloadable field was related to that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:50 AM - Response #9

Thanks Gwen. I probably should have known that, but since there is a new feature that appears on the "Classmate Profile" and keeps track of which profiles you have seen, I thought maybe the new downloadable field was related to that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM - Response #10


One thanks was great. Five... I'm overwhelmed!

LOL Love the glitch!

And as I wrote, you shared more. Thanks back! Smile

Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM - Response #11

Maybe a better name for this column would be "Display as Classmate" or "Show on Class List" instead of "Profile Displayed"

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