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Can we add a registration form?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/12/13 03:34 PM Views: 4353 Replies: 3
Monday, August 12, 2013 at 3:34 PM

I have built the online reunion registration form, and several have begun to use it. However, many do not trust online payment, so they want to be able to send a check. So, we've built a hard copy reunion registration form and would like to know how (or if) we can upload the form to one of our pages so that someone can then print from the page, or download the form and then print. Is there a way to do that. I know they can copy and paste into Word, then print, but is there an easier way?

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 8:41 PM - Response #1


The best file format for that type of form is to use the word processor's Save As and save it as a PDF file. There are other printer drivers you can install where you can print to that printer driver and it will ask you for a file name and it will convert it to PDF and save it in the file name you provided.

You cannot have the PDF file open up automatically on your website page, but you can upload the PDF file and create a link to the PDF file that can be clicked on and the. Downloaded to the classmate's computer where they can print it.

Follow these steps to upload the PDF file and create a link.
Get to the page you want the link to the PDF file and then edit the page (probably Reunion Planner, Edit or Edit Site Pages, edit one of the pages)
Type "click here for PDF file for registration" or similar text
Select the "click here..." Text
Click the Link icon (3rd from right side on 2nd row of icons)
Click the UPLOAD button, then browse your computer for the PDF file, then click UPLOAD
save the link, then save the page
Test the link by clicking it to see if it works

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 9:18 PM - Response #2

Thanks a bunch! Worked like a charm.

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 9:27 PM - Response #3

You are welcome

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