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Responsive Design Enhancements & Design

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/09/16 10:48 AM Views: 1266 Replies: 1
Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 10:48 AM

I am considering switching to the new Responsive Design layout. If I decide to move ahead I want to send a letter to classmates alerting them to the change. Also woild like to include information as to why the change over is taking place and describe some of the major differences/enhancements. Is there any information available that I can use that describes the benefits/enhancements of the Responsive Design template?

Also, is there any way to develop the Responsive Design layout offline and to test it before going live?

Thanks in advance...

Monday, January 11, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Response #1

We don't have any pre-canned information to send, however, the answer really is as simple as compatibility. The Responsive Design works great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Whereas your current design only works great on computers. That's the answer.

There are of course other usability enhancements as well. For instance rather than a gigantic list of links going down the left links are better contained in the top icons. Notify Me is also real time and has a dedicated icon on the Responsive Design. Your current design of course has no such icon.

No, there is not currently a good way to customize the design prior to making it live for everyone. You might want to do it at some of hour if this concerns you. The Responsive Design will be immediately fully usable the moment you switch to it -- albeit a bit on the unattractive side until you've had a chance to enhance it to your liking.

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