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Could you add 1-2 more phone(s) to the contact page?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/04/09 03:35 PM Views: 1312 Replies: 1
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 3:35 PM


You added another email to the contact page, right?

It would be great (if possible) to add 1-2 more fields for telephone numbers. A lot of people try stuffing in more than one phone number, on the one line, since they use a home and work or cell phone. Sometimes they stick other numbers into some other field.

We set up additional profile generator questions for cell and work phone numbers, BUT they don't print out on the Excel sheets when downloaded (only the contact page downloads).

So could you do that? Thanks for considering it.



P.S. Where is "being able to download profile questions" on your to do list? Right now its just the contact page.

Edited 09/04/09 3:42 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 12:48 AM - Response #1

I think your last question will solve this for you. You can add whatever fields you want with Profile Generator, and when we allow you to create a custom download you can also include those fields on the download. This is several items down the Task List currently, but not too far down. Expect this to be live this year.

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