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Birthday notifications

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/12/24 01:12 PM Views: 177 Replies: 1
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 1:12 PM

I just received this question from one of our classmates.
Just have wondered why WHS Class of 1950 birthdays had stopped being sent out. I turned 92 on June 3rd [born 6-3-1932]. Sad to say, maybe half of my class no longer are still alive to celebrate their birthdays.

I'm not realy sure how birthday notifications work. Sounds like at least at some point, he would be notified about classmates in his class who had a birthday. I don't think he chose any profiles which is the way I think ClassCreator works regarding birthdays.

Can someone enlighten me on how this work on the site? I already told him to go to Notify Me, choose his graduating class of classmates and then select all that appear. Is this the inly way to do this?


Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 3:26 PM - Response #1
Notify Me.jpg

Your have it right, except, under Notify Me, at the bottom, he must also select "Once Daily" for the choice "Notify me by email when... A classmate whose profile I'm subscribed to has an upcoming birthday." (see attached screenshot).

Also, a notification will only be sent if a classmate has entered their birth date in their contact info. If a classmate chooses to not enter their birth date, a notification will not be sent for that classmate.

Edited 06/12/24 4:21 PM
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