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Paid for 1 ticket, wants another one

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/18/10 12:09 PM Views: 1383 Replies: 1
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 12:09 PM

A class mate purchased her reunion ticket last week and would now like to help another classmate by purchasing their ticket. Can she just go into her profile and change the ticket number or is there another way for her to do this?


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 12:36 PM - Response #1

When the classmate goes to the Reunion Tickets page, she will see her prior order, but will also be able to select another ticket at the very bottom if desired. However, this will not register the other classmate within the system. It would be better for you to manually register the other classmate and invoice them for a check if they do now want to use the system. That way, the classmate shows up as being registered within your system too.

The way you would go about manually registering a classmate is as follows:

-Click Reunion Planner from the left nav
-Click Attendees in the middle of the page
-Assuming the classmates name is not located as being registered already, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button that says: Add Classmate or Guest Attendee on your Class List
-Select the Classmates name
-Enter the quantity on the next page to register
-On the following page you will see an area at the bottom that shows the tickets available - select the ticket quantity here and click Continue
-On the summary page click the Check Out Now button
-Select the payment method as being Check and then click Continue

This will complete the order. When you receive the check, you can manually reconcile the transaction as being paid.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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