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Messages sent via a Classmate's Profile page

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/12/13 01:48 PM Views: 801 Replies: 1
Monday, August 12, 2013 at 1:48 PM

I received a notification of a Classmate's birthday a couple of days ago and clicked on the link to reach his Profile page, from where I sent a Birthday message. That was on August 10th and, more often than not,they usually reply. I haven't received any replies to the last 9 messages I've sent using this method and was wondering if there might be a problem. I know they've gone out because they show in the Outbox of the Message Centre but ther's obviously no way of knowing if they've been received unless the recipients respond.

I've since also noticed that the recipient for the one I sent on August 10th is showing on the Available Classmate List on the Email The Class page as (Bounced)against his name (Michael Spiegel). However. I didn't receive a 'Bounced' Email notification. He may have had (Bounced) against his name for some time for all I know but I still didn't receive a notification that the latest Email didn't reach him.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 11:58 AM - Response #1

Currently there is not a receipt / view confirmation built into the system. I can say that I am certain that unless your received an error screen at the time you sent the message, that it was received... at least internally to the other member's message center. Messages that are sent to their email inbox, unless a bounceback is generated, we have no way of knowing if the message arrives in the inbox vs a junk/ spam folder. You can look at the Email The Class page where you select from a list of names of classmates and see if there is a Notify Flag Off or Bounced note in parenthesis. If not, then we can assume the message was sent to the email address as well.

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