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Wrong Photo linked to Admin's Photo - Gallery Page

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/25/11 11:15 AM Views: 1203 Replies: 3
Monday, April 25, 2011 at 11:15 AM

I viewed the SCHS Photo Gallery category today and noticed that either the asst. admin or the system had added the (2) Admin's photos on the gallery page (which is ok). The only problem is that the photo displayed above my name is that of the same class member (ANGELA BURKE) whose name was appearing in the emails (before I deleted all of my email contacts). I (Patricia) am the main Admin. The other Admin's photo is next to mine and linked to his correct photo.

How do I link my correct photo to my name on the SCHS gallery page?


Monday, April 25, 2011 at 11:51 AM - Response #1

I think all you need to do is select a new cover photo. Go to Gallery Creator > Photos > Select View Photos From Patricia Goolsby, and then locate a new Cover Photo and click the radio button and save the page.

Monday, April 25, 2011 at 12:11 PM - Response #2

Didn't work Scott. I've didn't even have a Cover photo selected a the time but did choose one and her photo is still shown. I even deleted her photo from her profile and viewed....she was still shown.

Where is the system pulling the photos shown of the classmates that add photos to the gallery. The other admin and I are the only one's that have added photos so I assume that's why our 2 photos are shown at the top of the gallery page.

Aslo, I don't see my collage of photos any longer in the gallery. Shown active in the setup. What am I doing wrong (smile)?

Monday, April 25, 2011 at 2:56 PM - Response #3

Please check it out now and see if that is what you want. I followed Scott's instructions and chose as the cover photo the same photo of you that appears in these forums.

To see the collage of photos in the gallery, you need to click on your gallery. Now that you have TWO galleries (yours and Tim's), you need to select which gallery you want to view before you see the collage of photos.

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