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Email issue --- 2 separate sites

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/22/16 01:06 PM Views: 795 Replies: 4
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 1:06 PM

I am the Root admin for the Wachovia Old Gang website ( Bob Shaffner is one of over 1,000 members of this site.

The Reynolds High School Class of 1962 has a CC site--which has no ties to me whatsoever. I am neither a direct member of that site, or a guest member.
Bob Shaffner, however, happens to be a '62 RJR alumni - and he participates in both the RJR, and Wachovia CC sites.

When he receives notices from the RJR site - they arrive in his email with MY name. An example is attached. Please advise how this is occurring.

Edited 11/22/16 1:33 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 1:37 PM - Response #1

Unfortunately, our programmers have been unsuccessful in resolving the Platinum email system issue and our team continues to work to resolve the issue asap. I do not have an estimate to provide towards the resolution of the issue other than to let you know that we are aware and working to get it resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 3:27 PM - Response #2

Does this only occur when any one individual happens to participate in two different Class Creator sites?

Are there additional comments you can make to better describe the issue? Do you think other members of the Reynolds Class of 1962 received a message that appeared to have been composed by me, OR perhaps it's only those who also might be a part of my Wachovia site? I am confused.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 4:42 PM - Response #3


I think that Bob has at one time saved an email from your website in his address book and associated your name with that email address. In other words, the "" email address that all emails come from (Except PLATINUM accounts) at one time said "Irma Comer <>" and he added it to his email program's CONTACT LIST. So every time he gets an email from his website (which is NOT PLATINUM), it says it comes from you.

I am guessing that he did this long ago, before your website was a PLATINUM subscription. So his email program address book still has your name associated with

Solution: Have him go to his email program address book and delete your contact - especially if it says "" is your email address.

I don't think Scott's reply was on topic. He is deep in the battles of figuring out a different Platinum Email issue and probably didn't understand your problem.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 7:56 PM - Response #4

Thanks mucho.......Very Happy

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