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Multi-Class Sites

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 04/07/12 10:24 AM Views: 1778 Replies: 4
Saturday, April 7, 2012 at 10:24 AM

Under General Discussion, Dave A. had two questions that prompted me to write them as a suggestion:

1) "We're thinking of switching to a multi-year site and we've had a concern from one of our classmates about other year classmates being able to view profile information, photos, etc., from all classmates regardless of the year. Is that the way it works with multi-year sites? Or are classmates only able to view profiles of classmates from his/her own year only?"

- I have a classmate who could have been a murder victim eight days before graduation had she gone with her boyfriend for a drive rather than going to work. Our friend and fellow classmate met him and was his victim. The one who is still with us has no problem sharing her info on our single year site, yet there is at least one person she is not comfortable knowing can read her info on the multi-year site. She refuses Facebook friend requests and all possible contact.

If there is one person with a concern, there are many. This brings me to ask that the option to limit only the same year classmates to view your profile on a multi-year site be added to classmate profiles.

2) Is there a FAQs about Multi-Class Sites?
- Do you see this as a plus? An addition to the wish list, perhaps.

Saturday, April 7, 2012 at 1:28 PM - Response #1

I can understand that person's perceived threat. What if another had a similar problem in the same year?

We have a classmate who was an 'investigator' and he thinks that there might be people who might be a bit upset with his past work. Has basic profile information and not even a school photo upon request (although he looks nothing like he did in school). IOW, he took responsibility and created what he felt comfortable with.

But if some multi class wanted this, an option per profile is a good solution, but not foolproof. You'd have to make some disclaimer in the wording to that effect.

Sunday, April 8, 2012 at 11:01 PM - Response #2

I agree with you, Jack. I did consider that.

Would the option to allow only your classmates to view your profile be about the same as allowing your classmates to view or not to view your profile? Just thinking...

Monday, April 9, 2012 at 12:25 PM - Response #3

Under the circumstances, it would seem that the obvious approach would simply be to not list the offending person in the class at all, thereby denying that person access to the information for any and all members of the site. Of course, the admin may want to turn on classmate verification also, just to reduce the odds of the offender joining as someone else.

Given that the basic idea behind the Classcreator system is to encourage the growth of communication and community amongst members of the sites, creating an option to exclude other classes from viewing profiles within a multi-year site seems a bit like using a sledgehammer to drive a screw.

Classmates have the option of limiting the information they provide and the information they expose, and admins have the option of excluding or banning class members from access to the site for any reason or none at all, so it seems the necessary tools are already available.

Friday, April 13, 2012 at 11:23 AM - Response #4

Our root admin came to the same conclusion, to exclude the offending person from joining our site. Simple solution really. Turning on classmate verification is also an excellent failsafe idea.

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