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Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 08/12/11 07:38 PM Views: 1456 Replies: 18
Friday, August 12, 2011 at 7:38 PM

Is there any way to have an anchor on the reunion page that points to one of the items for sale? I see that under the links for anchors it has an option that says "By Element ld" with some long numbers to choose from. What does this mean? Would it help me in any way?


Friday, August 12, 2011 at 7:49 PM - Response #1

There already is a name="registerhere" and a name="itemsforsale". Did you want a SPECIFIC item for sale?

Edited 08/13/11 4:38 PM
Friday, August 12, 2011 at 8:03 PM - Response #2

I was trying to get to the Class Gift donation. I only see the "Registration_Details" anchor -- nothing else.


Friday, August 12, 2011 at 8:04 PM - Response #3

WHERE do you only see the "Registration_Details" anchor? HOW are you seeing it? What page do you want the link?

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 4:24 PM - Response #4

I have only used an anchor once and it seems that it has to be on the same page as the link to the anchor. I have an anchor at the bottom of the editing page in the 50 Year Reunion page. It comes right after the countdown clock. Near the top of the page I have a link to that anchor where it says "Click Here To Make a Contribution to the Class Gift" and then below that I put "(After clicking scroll to the bottom of the page)" because I couldn't set the anchor any lower than after the countdown clock.

So, the link that I do have which points to the anchor, lists only that anchor -- Registration_Details and nothing else.

I would really like to have the link on the Class Gift page but when I click on the anchor list when setting up a link there it tells me that there are no anchors on that page. If there is a way to do that I would sure appreciate knowing how to.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 4:37 PM - Response #5

The anchors that I told you about are there in the page when it is generated. If you right-click on the "50 Year Reunion" page and choose VIEW SOURCE and search for a name= you will see that there are three anchors, the one you entered and two other ones. (I was mistaken, the other auto-generated anchor is called name="registerhere")

If you just insert the anchor that you already created, "Registration_Details", then use the SOURCE to change it to "itemsforsale", it will work how you want it to work, even though you cannot see the anchor, it will work because when the page is generated and the ITEMS FOR SALE section is added, it will also add the anchor that you will then reference.

Edited 08/13/11 4:40 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 5:01 PM - Response #6

When you say Right Click, Do you mean the page name at the top of the edit page? I see lots of stuff when I do that.

When I make changes then do I do it in the editor box? Can I keep both anchors? Just add the new one and not change the one I have for Registration_Details?

Can I just add a new anchor in the same place and just name it "itemsforsale"?

I'm not sure I'm getting it here.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 5:53 PM - Response #7

When you click on the "50 year Reunion" left-side link, then do the VIEW SOURCE (you will see all of the codes that make that page display the way it does), then do a search for a name= (without the leading and trailing spaces). You will find three of them. One of them is the one you created, the other two are not in the text portion of the website that you can edit. They are inserted when the page is generated by the ClassCreator back-end (the part that adds the ITEMS FOR EDIT part and the left-side menus. I told you to VIEW SOURCE so you can see that there are anchors you can use that you don't need to create.

You cannot change the code from the VIEW SOURCE page. You will need to do the Reunion Planner, then EDIT, then type the words you want the classmates to click, for example CLICK HERE TO PAY, then select the "Click HERE...." text, then INSERT/EDIT LINK, then change the link type to ANCHOR. Select the one you created, but later you will click on the SOURCE button and change it to the "itemsforsale" anchor.

No, you cannot create a new anchor and call it "itemsforsale" because it won't go to the ITEMS FOR SALE section because it isn't inserted in the right place in the code. You can only insert an anchor in the editable text. It doesn't go down to the bottom where the ITEMS FOR SALE will be inserted by the back end.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 5:54 PM - Response #8

I got it! Thanks.

Now, can I refence this from another page? I used this from an older post about anchors:


but it doesn't seem to work.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 5:57 PM - Response #9

which page are you trying it on?

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Response #10

I should clarify -- I used this as a URL link rather than an anchor. The post was from "Anchor from one announcement to another" 9/26/2010.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 6:03 PM - Response #11

I used it in the Class Gift page under the link for 50 Year Reunion.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 6:14 PM - Response #12

I clicked that link on the CLASS GIFT page and it worked for me. I am on FIREFOX browser. It doesn't go any farther down the page because there is nothing there, but all of the ITEMS FOR SALE show up on the bottom of the page for me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 6:19 PM - Response #13

Yes, it gets me to the page OK, just not to the bottom. But at least it goes right to the link that now goes to the items for sale.

Did you have to scroll all the way to the bottom or did the link on the Class Gift page take you directly to the items for sale?

I am using Firefox v.5

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 6:37 PM - Response #14

I don't have to scroll at all. The CONTINUE button is always visible at the bottom of the screen and since that is the last thing on the page, the page cannot scroll any more.

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 7:22 PM - Response #15

I tried it in IE9 and it works for me too. I think I will try to unstall Firefox 5 and get the previous version.

Thanks so much for your help on this, Kyle! It's always fun to learn how to do these new things. Just hope I can remember them Confused


Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 8:15 PM - Response #16

You're welcome

Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 9:00 PM - Response #17

I uninstalled Firefox 5 and installed 3.6.19 and it didn't work any better. So maybe it is something on my computer. You may have remembered that I also had trouble clicking on some names in the update and birthday boxes. That didn't change either with v. 3.6.19.

Oh, well. Some things may never be figured out. I think I will go watch a baseball game
Very Happy

Thanks, again!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 12:06 PM - Response #18

Odd. I use Firefox and was able to use the anchor two days ago. It was my first time using the anchor and it worked. But the second one does not work. I've tried the past two days and it simply is not taking. From reading the latest posts, it looks like I need to use IE. Will try it.

Thank goodness the thread continues with updated info here!

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