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Event Planner is scrambling the schedule of events

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/26/24 12:55 AM Views: 77 Replies: 1
Monday, August 26, 2024 at 12:55 AM

The event planner is scrambling the order of the activities and will not change, even when I manually go in and move it and save everything there. The activities listed on the right side are also in the wrong order. AND the registration questions are in the wrong order. They are grouped; it looks like, by: all of question ones, followed by all the question twos, etc.

This is urgent because the reunion is in a month and we need to activate the planner so people can register for activities and events, please reply (with good news) asap

Monday, August 26, 2024 at 4:45 PM - Response #1

I am so sorry to keep bugging you guys. I sent a private email on the problems with The Event Planner and have not heard back. I understand how busy the staff must be. But I MUST get some kind of Registration format out to our Class for the 9/20-9/22/2024 60th Reunion.

I can't activate what is there now,.. .we never saw a menu option, for example. [ in researching the Forums it may have something to do with that Publish button.]

..if someone wants to be a temp admin to look at the event planner, let me know.

But until so...could I make a Survey that asks them to Register for each event, # & names etc.... and then tell them to watch for the event planner activation to actually PAY for the events?

I can include most of the necessary info, including the prices, except the actual payment.

At least they would feel they "have" registered and we have a decent head count.

Any other ideas, please?

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