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"In Memory"

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/23/13 03:36 PM Views: 887 Replies: 4
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 3:36 PM

My Favorite subject!

It was suggested by 2 of our Alumnus to add the year of graduation onto the email's that are sent saying there is a new entry to "In Memory". I guess since we have from 1925 to 2013 they only want to look at the ones they know. Of course, I know they can just select the years they want by going to the "notify" tab. I guess it is easier to tell you guys than take the time to explain to them.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 4:54 PM - Response #1

We will be (although I cannot promise when) updating the Notify Me so that we are able to send notifications based upon the year of graduation for the multi year sites.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 9:19 AM - Response #2

You can put this one at the bottom of the list as far as I am concerned. At least it gets everyone to log on to see who passed. We have like 775 people of 28,000 getting the "In Memory' emails. Some people actually complained that they were no longer receiving them. -cannot keep everyone happy. Of course I splained how to get them via "notify" but it seems most do not choose this option. What do you think of making the the default "select all"? That way if they want to get signed up they get hit one button for "default". Just a thought.

Of course I am still sending out notices of "In Memory" to everyone. I just do it in a news email. What I realized is that people do want this information. They like it when they get it in our snailmail Newsletter. Really is one of the most important things we do. So for another random thought it would be really great if Class Creator could help be to send out a better "News" email. Something in the form of a Newsletter would great. I understand that there are a lot of issues that have to be taken into consideration with all the problems with emails etc. I am just trying to up the bar on emails.

Of course I know that Brad and Team have probably spent 11.2 hours discussing this issue is now number 5,321 on the list of things to do.

Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 5:54 PM - Response #3

Ray Guim wrote:

You can put this one at the bottom of the list as far as I am concerned.
Of course I know that Brad and Team have probably spent 11.2 hours discussing this issue is now number 5,321 on the list of things to do.

Ray, I think they spent 11.1119 hours and it is # 5,322. I slipped one in ahead of you! Laughing

Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 7:50 PM - Response #4

That is OK. They will have everything done by next Tuesday anyway!

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