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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/28/12 10:57 AM Views: 1931 Replies: 8
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 10:57 AM

I'd like to make a couple of suggestions for improvements that I think would be helpful to site admins.

1. In addition to the ability to make a page active or not for members, add the ability to make a page viewable only to admins. This would be helpful during construction of a new page or for using a page to store helpful links, info, etc.

2. Put direct links to the file vault and image vault in the left side panel under Admin Functions. This would make it easier to access the vaults for cleanup, etc.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 11:33 AM - Response #1

Thanks, Dick. Those are both excellent ideas.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 1:27 PM - Response #2

Here's a temporary workaround that can almost do all of that.

1. Use Gallery Creator to make test pages (several posts on this)
The link name would only be known to the admins, so only you can see. You can make unlimited pages. Your idea is a bit easier for restricting to admins. I think 3.0 makes creating pages even simpler, don't know about link name generation.

2. It's easy to make a link directly to the file vault in one of those special pages made in 1. So you'd bookmark the "special admin" page, then go there and click on the link.

You could also directly bookmark the file vault.

The only thing I just noticed is that there is a BUG in CC that I'll report in the bug section.

Edited 03/28/12 2:42 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 2:33 PM - Response #3

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

Here's a temporary workaround that can almost do all of that.

1. Use Gallery Creator to make test pages (several posts on this)
The link name would only be known to the admins, so only you can see. You can make unlimited pages. Your idea is a bit easier for restricting to admins. I think 3.0 makes creating pages even simpler, don't know about link name generation.

2. It's easy to make a link directly to the file vault in one of those special pages made in 1. So you'd bookmark the "special admin" page, then go there and click on the link.

The only thing I just noticed is that there is a BUG in CC that I'll report in the bug section.

Thanks Jack. That's the way I've been doing it; I'm just lazy and think it would be more straightforward to do as I suggested.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 3:03 PM - Response #4

The admin only switch is for sure easier. I'm lazy too.

Maybe the Edit Site Pages is the right place for file vault maintenance, on top? That's where it logically belongs. I have enough links on the leftCool

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 4:41 PM - Response #5

My preference would still be the left panel; it's always visible no matter what page you're on and would mean one less click compared to putting the link(s) on the Edit Site Pages page. But I'd be happy either way. Either would be easier than having access only from the editor the way it is now.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 7:43 PM - Response #6

I'm not sure you picked up on my comment that you CAN access it directly bypassing the editor? Either via a bookmark or via a link on a custom page.

I can't post it because there's a security issue with this right now, but if you look at the URL when you launch the Vault link in the editor, you'll get the ideaIdea

Edit: CC fixed the direct link problem that allowed anyone to view your vault contents. So here's how the link looks to go directly to you File vault (replace YOURSITE with your name). This is what the URL shows when you jumped to the vault from the editor - this is just in case above was not clear. Image is similar

Edited 03/28/12 8:17 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:56 AM - Response #7

Yes, I understood your suggestion. I currently have the vaults bookmarked; it would just be easier to click on a direct link from the left panel.


Monday, April 23, 2012 at 1:02 PM - Response #8

I tried this Jack and it didn't work, but as I said, I am at work and the computer I am on is over 10 years old and has limited capabilities. This does make sense. I have created a new survey link (not activated it to anyone yet) Right now can't even get it to load.....hopefully this will help. Sneaky, but if it works, it works. Thnx.

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