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Ghosts Logging in?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/15/12 11:29 PM Views: 1384 Replies: 7
Friday, June 15, 2012 at 11:29 PM


We asked for and received an obituary from the spouse of a deceased classmate who died in 2008. He had not joined the site.

Before we got the In Memory notice up, he joined the site with address, phone numbers, the basic info. We are assuming the wife joined the site to "check it out."

My questions are these:

Now that he is on the In Memory Page, can she still log into a deceased classmate's profile? I checked and there is no record of the classmate logging in at all although we got a new classmate notification. We have no screening on new members.

Our policy at this time, and I don't expect it to change, is actual classmates only on the site.

If she can, will removing the password and email address shut the activity down? I know she will receive notice of the changes. I am not sure what her reaction will be. I do not want to offend, but we do not want strangers on the site.


Saturday, June 16, 2012 at 12:37 AM - Response #1

Good question, Margaret! ::waving::

I believe we touched on this subject somewhere in these forums. I was thinking of this situation about an hour ago. I see only two options and do not care for either:

1) Allow family member to be a guest. That gives them access to profiles, which is the downside.

2) Give them a system password, which brings the question...
--- Can someone with a System password leave a message "In Memory"?

See... I would like a family member to have access to an In Memory page and leave a comment but not be able to view other classmate profiles. If this is possible, oops... I missed it. Rolling Eyes

Thanks for mentioning this!

Monday, June 18, 2012 at 9:44 AM - Response #2

Why not just make them a guest?

Monday, June 18, 2012 at 11:25 AM - Response #3

Visitors, even if they have the "system" password which allows them to view pages, cannot add comments on profiles or In Memory pages. There is an option at the bottom of the Edit Site Pages page to allows visitors with the system password to view profiles, but the default is to not allow it.

Monday, June 18, 2012 at 12:22 PM - Response #4

We simply have relatives [spouses, brother/sister, children, etc.] register as a guest.

Gwen, I don't see the problem with a guest seeing profiles, especially if they [the relative of the deceased] want to stay in contact with friends of the deceased. Can you enlighten us further on the 'downside' of doing this?

Monday, June 18, 2012 at 4:22 PM - Response #5

I guess every class has it's own philosophy on this; but our class has several guest members, and they are all identified as such. Former teachers, one is a sibling of a deceased classmate and everyone knows who she is. I have had NO downside, but then I have had "a conversation" with every one of them!

Another thing is to encourage others to buy Class Creator. Because we HAVE chosen to keep some things "locked up," a guest member can see what there is to purchase if interested.

I would never give out the system password to just anyone.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 11:03 AM - Response #6

Ray, I did set the niece up as a Guest.

Eric, Thanks for the reply re: system password and comments.

Steve, Before replying, I tried to find the thread again to save time in this reply. My search was unsuccessful. It does not appear that the niece knows anyone from our class. Her uncle was our classmate. He moved to the West Coast and her family is in WI. Our school is in IL. I doubt there will be contact except with Andy's close friends via phone as has been posted over the past two weeks. This is not the same as a sibling who was a year ahead or behind us in school.

So this is a reason why I see having a button to allow or not allow viewing profiles (per guest) as important wish list item, which I may have posted in the appropriate thread. Why? If we post that our classmates' information is private, we should be attentive to that - especially when it comes to guests.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 2:20 PM - Response #7

Gwen - I see the light now! LOL

Clarification is always good, and thanks!
[Guess we have been lucky - we have not had that situation come up - yet!]

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