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classmates can't log in, only see background

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/15/13 03:50 AM Views: 872 Replies: 2
Monday, April 15, 2013 at 3:50 AM

I have a few classmates that could not find the LOG IN page when they went to the website.

I have no problem digning on, but there are three that emailed me to tell me the problem. Is this the class creator site,or their own PC issues preventing them from seeing the LOG IN page?

I tell them this....
"Go to the high school website, put this temp password, "xxxxx". After you successfully log in, then you can go back on your profile and change your password. Let me know if your still having problems."

One replied with this,

"Nope it didn't work. All that comes up is the background, and there is no place to put a password???

Thank you for any help.

Monday, April 15, 2013 at 1:43 PM - Response #1

This particular classmate Amy, emailed me back to tell me her laptop had this problem, and another computer worked fine. I also told originally for her to update her browser, delete cookies,history,and run a virus scan, empty her recycle bin, then try it. I really did not think it was the Class Creators doing anyway. Very Happy

Edited 04/15/13 1:44 PM
Monday, April 15, 2013 at 5:55 PM - Response #2

It has been reported as being caused by Instant messaging. We haven't been able to reproduce it, but if you wanted to verify with Amy, you could disable Instant Messaging (on the PREFERENCES page) and have her try again on her laptop computer. It also might be the browser she is using. Since you didn't report the browser she is using, we don't know. Sometimes Internet Explorer has this problem and is sometimes fixed by turning on "Compatibility Mode"

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