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Pin to the Top?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/10/20 01:40 PM Views: 784 Replies: 15
Monday, August 10, 2020 at 1:40 PM

could someone please, explain the Pin to the Top feature?
i have used it in the past,
but am not clear as to when it can or can not be used.
sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't.
is there a time limit to use it?
does it apply to Announcements?
is there somewhere one can read about the feature?
thanks in advance for any assistance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 1:08 AM - Response #1

On our website under What’s New, I often use pin to the top.
Once you post content, you can pin to the top the content. Be certain to pin to the top before you post your message. The posted item remains on Whats New for one month. You can also include a photo and/or video.
You can also unpin the item or delete.
There’s no time limit to use pin to the top.
The option to use pin to the top (on my class website) only appears on Whats New.
Our classmates are directed to Whats New after they log on.
Hope this helps. Elena

Edited 08/11/20 9:53 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 10:30 AM - Response #2

thank you for your reply, Elena,
your website seems to work much like ours.
can you tell me who's posts can be pinned?
any classmate's or just those made by an admin?
i'm not sure about this, but, am thinking
it may only apply to admin posts.
what do you think?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 10:39 AM - Response #3

Only Admin have the capability to use pin to the top.
Often I post a video to accompany the content.
Today I used pin to the top as a reminder to use vote by mail for Nov 3rd election.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 11:14 AM - Response #4

you're a braver soul than i, Elena.
i do my best to keep politics and religion off our site.
as with most, we are a very diverse group
and i won't allow our site becoming a shouting match.
of course, someone's always pushing the envelope,
but, i pretty much keep a handle on it.
yes, i understand that pin to the top is an admin function.
what i'm wondering is, can any classmate's post be pinned,
or, only posts by admin be pinned to the top?
i'm beginning to suspect it's only admin posts,
but, want to know what others experience.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 12:01 PM - Response #5

Not at all political, Michael!
Just a reminder to vote regardless of personal party preference.
Sort of like a PSA.

Voting is slightly different in every county and state across the country — but on the whole, it will be easier to vote by mail than ever before. States are relaxing restrictions on who's eligible to do it, and in some states, they're spending money on sending ballot request forms or even ballots to all registered voters.

That means more people are going to vote by mail than ever before, and it also means millions of voters are going to vote-by-mail for the very first time in November.

We've broken down the logistics here to make voting by mail a little less daunting.

1. Register to vote

Step one is the same regardless of whether you want to vote in-person or whether you want to vote by mail. You need to get registered. You cannot vote in any way without being on the rolls.

Start by going to your local elections website. To find the correct website, you can head to, a nonpartisan web clearinghouse for voting information. Just tell the website what state you're in and what county you're in, and it will send you information to get registered.

2. Request your mail–in ballot

Next, you need to request the absentee ballot. Because of the coronavirus, a lot of states have relaxed the need for an excuse to request an absentee ballot. Most of the time it's as simple as filling out a form online. Occasionally you may have to send an email to your local election official or fill out a paper form, but those scenarios are pretty rare.

Even if you're in one of those few states that still require an excuse to vote by mail, Amber McReynolds, of the National Vote at Home Institute, says that shouldn't stop you from trying. A lot of people do qualify, but they just don't realize it.

Some states are universal mail ballot states. If you live in one and you are a registered voter, your local election official will just automatically mail you a ballot. But it's really important that your local election official has your correct address. You can check this online. Again, is a great place to start.

the closer it gets to Election Day, the more overwhelmed voting officials get by paperwork. So request the ballot now, or as soon as possible. Don't wait.

3. Fill out your ballot — correctly

There are two big things that can slip up voters when they are filling out a mail ballot: filling out the ballot incorrectly, and signing it incorrectly.

Both steps can seem fairly straightforward, but not taking the extra minute to read the instructions can mean your local official has to contact you, or worse, your ballot doesn't get counted.

"If it says fill in the oval, fill in the oval," McReynolds says. Don't write a check mark or circle a name.

The second thing is signatures. These are on the outer envelope, not actually on the ballot. Make sure you sign that envelope. McReynolds says, don't use your "grocery store signature." Use your official signature to make sure that ballot ends up getting counted.

4. Return your ballot

Don't fill it out and then let it sit on the kitchen counter. When you finish filling it out and signing it, you should make sure you give the post office time to get it to your election official. In a lot of jurisdictions, you can actually track your ballot online like you'd track a package you bought online.

A lot of people are worried that the post office is just going to be overwhelmed with ballots this October and early November. With that in mind, a lot of jurisdictions also offer ballot drop-off locations, either in designated drop boxes or at a precinct or polling place. Of course, you can just drop it off at your local election official's office, too.

5. Help a friend

Once you've figured out this system, and especially if you're in a place where lots of people historically haven't voted by mail, think about helping a friend or offering assistance on social media. You could really be a resource to people who either don't know what to do or are intimidated by it.

Pin To The Top: only posts by Admin although an Admin can cut/paste content from a classmate’s post and that can be pinned to the top by Admin like an original wedding photo of a couple from 50 years ago who are celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary. On our website, something like that receives lots of comments and views.

Edited 08/11/20 12:19 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 12:26 PM - Response #6

agreed, Elena. it shouldn't be political,
but, if some can make mail in voting
or even wearing a mask a political statement,
anything can be made political.
as far as i'm concerned, neither should be.
all i can say is mask up and vote
as if your life depends on it
because, this time, it does.

as for pin to top, i think i've figured it out.
only admin posts to What's New can be pinned
by admins only...simple enough.
too bad there's no documentation somewhere,
it would have saved a lot of time.
oh well, many thanks for your assistance.
be safe, be well and have a great day

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 12:48 PM - Response #7

i live in Washington state,
we've had vote by mail for years.
we also have ballot drop boxes.
it's all easy peasy.
my concern is the Postal Service slow down
instigated by the current Postmaster General.
my daughter lives in Florida.
she is a Democrat and her husband is a Republican.
a few weeks ago, there was a primary election.
when she got ready to mail in the ballots,
she happened to notice the Democrat ballet required postage,
where as the Republican ballot had no postage due.
not to mention, the Democrat ballot was oversized and required extra postage.
lesson attention to the fine print.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 1:17 PM - Response #8


I'm not going to interfere in US politics Laughing

On my What's New page (I changed the name to Notice Board) I can pin my posts AND Classmate posts to the top so long as the Classmate's post is one that's been made to start a new thread using the Post a Comment box at the top of the page.

You can't 'Pin to top' a comment that's been added to an existing thread by someone else and you can't 'pin to top' anything that's been posted on a Classmate's Profile and has found its way onto the What's New page.

A 'Pin to top' post will stay at the top for 30 days or until you unpin it by using the same drop down arrow at the right hand end of the post, where it will now show 'Unpin' instead of 'Pin to top'.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 2:04 PM - Response #9

I live in PA. This is the first year all voters can choose to vote by mail.
During our May Primary, many voters voting by mail signed their ballot sloppy (like a credit card receipt). If signature doesn’t match PA Drivers License exactly many votes were not counted. There’s also a fill in the blank oval which requires being filled in properly. If a voter leaves any portion blank or fills in out of the oval, the vote doesn’t count.
Because this year is a learning curve for many is why I decided to post on our class website.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 3:22 PM - Response #10

thanks for your reply, Mark.
you're wise to stay out of US politics.
these days, it seems to be turning into an ugly business.

as for pin to the top;
i'm noticing that most classmate What's New posts
do not have the pin to top option,
although, a couple do.
mine and two other admins do.
why all classmate posts to What's New
do not have the option is the basis for my confusion.
oh well, at least our admins always have the option.

Elena, i would say the PA will go through the growing pains we did a few years ago.
hang in there, it will be fine.
i will admit that initially, i didn't like it.
i'm old school and liked physically going to the polls.
i learned to get over it.
actually, i've had my signature questioned.
all i had to do was go in and show my scrawl was close, but, never the same.
i want to add that i think it's a good thing
that you're trying to get the word out.
heck, who knows, maybe even some here have learned something.
keep up the good work

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 6:11 PM - Response #11

You're welcome, Michael.

I think it should be as I've said.

On the What's New page -

Only if the Admin or a Classmate starts a new thread using the 'Post a Comment' box at the top of the What's New page can the Admin 'Pin to the top' if he/she wants to for any reason.

Classmates can't 'Pin to the top' but they can Edit or Delete their own posts.

Admins can 'Pin to top', 'Edit' or 'Delete' any Post or Comment made by themselves or a Classmate and they can also delete anything like a Birthday notification, a notification of a post a Classmate has made on another Classmate's Profile or an In Memory comment that a Classmate has made on a deceased Classmates In Memory entry that also shows up on the What's New page. I don't know whether this last option also deletes the original entry made on In Memory. I would hope not but I'm not sure.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 9:00 PM - Response #12

Mark Foulsham wrote:

I don't know whether this last option also deletes the original entry made on In Memory. I would hope not but I'm not sure.

If I remember, should test that - gives insight into structure. The What's New should just be pointer to that entry, so just the pointer should be removed, leaving the original intact. Now if you deleted the Memory one, I wonder if there's a pointer there telling it to remove it from What's New. Who's on First (Abbot & Costello)

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 10:32 AM - Response #13

I'm pretty sure that deleting an entry in What's New also deletes the original wherever that duplicate was posted. That's definitely the case when I find a duplicate on WN, delete it, and the dup is also gone then in the profile where it was originally posted.

I have not tried to delete a WN copy of an In Memory post though. That may be different since I noticed a while back that when I edited an In Memory post to correct a classmate's typo, the WN entry did not - and still does not - reflect the edited version.

Edited 08/12/20 6:30 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 4:07 PM - Response #14

Thanks, John and Jack.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 6:19 PM - Response #15

On our class website, whenever I delete dupes on WN, doing so doesn’t remove the original post.

There’s also duplicates In Memory that have been deleted by me.
I think someone asked: on our website all In Memory comments post In Memory and also appear on What’s New.

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