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Too many e-mails!

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/02/09 05:50 PM Views: 2065 Replies: 10
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 5:50 PM

Is there a button to check so I am not notified each time someone signs up for the website? I am the administrator and brand new to this.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 6:32 PM - Response #1

Welcome Shannon.

First, I have to give you an extra special welcome because my whole family is from Marshalltown, Iowa.

Second, I have to chuckle just a bit at your question, as there's many people new here who would love to be having your problem. The fact you're getting lots of emails with new signups is terrific. Must mean you're off to a great start. Don't you know you're supposed to get all giddy and jump up and down when you receive the new signup emails, not turn them off? Wink

The answer to your question is no, you can't turn off that new signup email, at least not at the moment. We do have a module coming up called "Admin Rights" where you'll be able to set permissions for other Admins (including yourself) which will include the ability to select which Admins receive which Admin emails. But for the moment I'd celebrate your success. Smile The emails won't last much longer as the initial Classmates typically join early on, and after that it reduces to a trickle.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 6:46 PM - Response #2

I suggest opening an email account in gmail or yahoo (free) specifically for the website. Then you know that this email address is strictly related to the website. I did not want the emails combined with my personal email and if later on you pass the duties to another classmate you can pass the email account as well.

Brad is right - the emails do slow down and then picks up around reunion time. Our 35th reunion is this coming weekend! I have to say it has the potential of being such a success because of this website!

Thanks Class Creators!!


Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 10:00 AM - Response #3

Thanks so much Brad! I will take your word for it since you have such good family roots here in Iowa--what are the odds? Don't get me wrong I AM excited at the interest and I'm having a great time! I think I will take Cheryl's advice about an alternate account. Thanks All!

Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 3:42 PM - Response #4

Actually the odds are pretty good. The first web site ever created on Class Creator was the Marshalltown High School Class of 1958 web site. That web site lead to several other Marshalltown High School sites. The '58 site is run by an extremely talented Administrator who really knows Class Creator inside and out. I just call her mom though. Smile

Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM - Response #5

Well, I chose this site because MHS Class of 79 had such a cool site. Cheryl is right--ours will be bigger too because of this site. Thanks a bunch! **PS, you sound like a good son!

Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 11:21 PM - Response #6

Brad Switzer wrote:

Actually the odds are pretty good. The first web site ever created on Class Creator was the Marshalltown High School Class of 1958 web site. That web site lead to several other Marshalltown High School sites. The '58 site is run by an extremely talented Administrator who really knows Class Creator inside and out. I just call her mom though. Smile

I'm blushing Embarassed And he is a good son!
Classes of '59 and '53 have great websites too.

Edited 09/04/09 12:52 AM
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 9:49 AM - Response #7

My sibs graduated from MHS in 65, 67, 71 and 76. I will pass on this site--not like they do any planning!

Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM - Response #8

Now you can't get much better than family here, Brad and 'Mom'. Smile

I'll have to head to the map! I have family roots in Iowa, as well.

Gwen Smile

Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 12:02 PM - Response #9

Here is another opinion on email addresses.

I started my site last year with a gmail address. It wasn't long until I had problems with classmates not receiving my emails. So, I added an email address just for my class to my personal email provider. It has been okay but if I want to hand over the site to someone else at some point, I wanted an email address that would follow. That is when I remembered I've had an email address set up for some time specifically for the site. (Something I did in one of my very late nights.)

First, I see you do not have a domain name (site address) for your site other than CC's. I recommend you get a domain. I checked and these are currently available:

( and are not available)

Personally, I prefer a short and easy to remember site address. If you are not familiar with getting domains, I believe ClassCreator can help you with that. I had ours before coming here from GoDaddy. With the domain, I have an email address: I prefer an email address with the site address. It is easier for classmates to remember. If you use an Outlook program for your email, you can easily add another email address; add a folder just for class emails and set a rule that all emails to that address go to that folder. It works well for me. You can add a sub-folder for New Classmate Notifications, as well. Then they will no longer be mixed with other email. Smile

Now that is in answer to having an email address.

An additional note as to using Email The Class, the Contact Us form and Message Center, which are part of your site. I suggest you use the site for all your class mailings. Try not to use the email address outside the class site for classmate emails; use it to contact those other than classmates on site/class business. The reason you want to use all email within the site is to keep your classmates coming back to the site.

Ask questions here in the forums anytime!

Hope this helps.

Welcome aboard!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 1:39 PM - Response #10

Thanks so much for the info. I will give it a shot!

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