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setting up platinum e-mail

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/25/12 07:42 PM Views: 1674 Replies: 9
Monday, June 25, 2012 at 7:42 PM

Hi guys,
This is for anyone, but I think Kyle or Eric may have to explain it or fix the problem for me. I started upgrading my membership explicitly so that the administrators mays have the choice to use a 'site' oriented e-mail address. Well, I haven't tried to use it until yesterday.Reading the 7, 8, 9, or more instructions through, I decided I had better print them out so I can follow them precisely. Printing motions went through but they wouldn't print.
After reading them again, I found that I don't understand the jargon nor the instructions. My own e-maill is @yahoo, and I use windows Vista. What is POP3 and STMP? And does it matter? I realized they're servers. What's the difference between them, and do I have to ceate a new e-mail in outlook express or windows e-mail? I just want to have a somewhat impressive address when dealing with the hotel, restaurants, and convent motherhouse when relating to the reunion (i.e. Would one of you nice gentlemen help me out?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 10:58 AM - Response #1

We are not able to assist with issues related to printing pages of the website. For that, you need someone to look at the print settings on your computer and the printer itself, as well as the connection between them.

The information provided on the Email Configuration page is designed to allow you to set up various email programs so that you can access your Platinum email account with those programs. We provide those instructions as a courtesy in the attempt to simplify the configuration process for you, but if the instructions are unclear to you, we cannot necessarily provide the additional assistance you need because we may not have adequate familiarity with the software you are using. The basic information required is provided on the page, so the best source of help might be the vendor who supplied the particular email program you're using. They will be best able to help you configure their product using the settings information we have provided.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 2:12 PM - Response #2

[i]Thanks Eric,
But6 do you mean by 'vendor'? my Cable company? That would be ''.
Barbara ['/i]

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 4:14 PM - Response #3

For Outlook, I believe the vendor is Microsoft, or whomever sold you the Outlook software.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 7:44 PM - Response #4

My computer was brand new at the time. I bought it from Dell. It's a Studio One cordless with the pc, itself, web cam, and speakes all inside the monitor. Therefore, since windows 7 or 8, powerpoint 2007, 'dell application, Vivitar Image Manager, Roxio Data pc, Microsft Office home & student 2007, were all already installed.
But, that's beside the point. I don't understand it. And I can't afford $2000 to replace parts or get or mess up the computer by my lack of knowledge.
Outlook was already on it. If I use Outlook, do I have to create a whole new e-mail address in Outlook before creating the platinum e-maill address?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 7:49 PM - Response #5

Eric B Bassey wrote:

For Outlook, I believe the vendor is Microsoft, or whomever sold you the Outlook software.

Hi Barbara,

While I am not one of the gentlemen Shocked, I can answer a couple things for you but must say, I do not have the subscription level you have. Therefore, I cannot read exactly what you are reading. That said, what I do see is this...

When you see POP3 and SMTP, those are the settings needed to send (POP3) receive (SMTP) your email. They are necessary if you are using Outlook Express.

To help understand a bit more, asking CC 'how to' is the same as asking Dell and other companies when it comes to software. They need to direct you to the support for the software if it was not developed by them.

Hope this answers something. As I wrote above, I have not had the option of using the extra emails, so I am not sure what the directions are about the email addresses. My guess is that you must use them in an email program rather than through the web site. That is only a guess. Cool

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 8:47 PM - Response #6

Oops. Thought I was here in my TAP account. The post from Site Administrator is from me, Barbara. So sorry. Embarassed

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 12:25 AM - Response #7

Thanks Eric, It is a help. BTW, if you send me an e-mail, (, I'll e-mail back the group password so you can get into the site.
Thanks again,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 2:57 PM - Response #8

Gwen: I just upgraded to Platinum. I want to set up another email for my "other admin". Every one who sends and email to the site is coming to me, of course I am the Admin. But I know some classmates want to write to the "other". How do I, or where do I look, to set up an email address to "other" thru our web site?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM - Response #9

Once you set up your any co_Admins that you wish to also have email accounts, their names will appear on the Preferences page. You will need to click the checkbox next to their name. This will give them the ability to Configure their email under their Member Functions.

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