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Save Change Button

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/08/10 03:55 PM Views: 2447 Replies: 8
Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM

Hello Brad:

My problem earlier :
I deleted content on the home page on edit mode and save but on live what I deleted stayed. I went to source and did the same but viwed live nothing was deleted.

My other problem now :
I uploaded new stuff on the home page just to see if that works. While on edit it worked just fine and made sure I click save but then again live it wasn't displayed. It seems to me the save change button is the root cause. But what do I know? This is frustrating especially when I have a special Mothers Day edition for the home page.Crying or Very sad

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 4:03 PM - Response #1

When I look at your Page Backups, it says you haven't saved it since Friday.

What browser are you using? If using IE, have you tried it with FireFox?

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM - Response #2

Hello Kyle,
I'm retracing when the save change button stopped functioning.
Earlier I was able to put 2 new announcements, (2 greetings) and saved. To do that I deleted the old announcement first and saved. Shouldn't this have been recorded on page back up? This is creepy.
My problem started while I was deleting content on the home page. I use IE, had never gone on Firefox. Thanks Kyle.

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM - Response #3

no. Only Page Content stuff. If you were working with announcements, that is different. You said before HOME PAGE CONTENT and that says to me that you were working with the Home Page, not announcements, even though announcements appear on the home page.

If you are working with announcements, what is the names of the announcements?

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 5:58 PM - Response #4

Sorry Kyle. Let me try again. I worked on announcements first and had no problems, deleting, uploading and saving earlier part of AM. Please check the page back up date and time of the announcement area. You 'll see the 2 greetings.

Later on I worked on the home page content and that's when I found the save change button doesn't work. The details are on the last 2 emails, if you would please. I repeated this maybe x 3. Now my question is can the" malfunctioning save change button " be fixed internally? Something did go weird while I was at it like the page took long to return to the home page and another alert said unable to return due to a problem. That's what made me think maybe the whole website was having a problem.
I hope this will help.

Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 11:07 PM - Response #5

Ok, first, Announcements do in fact contain the page backup feature. That's not relevant to this issue, but I wanted to set the record straight on that. If you delete an Announcement though, then you're also deleting all page history that was tied to it. And then if you create a new Announcement and save it, you're not going to have a backup archive yet, as you won't have a first backup until you've edit the new Announcement 2 or more times. Once you have then you will in fact see your built-in backup feature active.

All right, the next issue is far more complicated and unfortunately you're not going to like my answer. Nonetheless here it is: Your Save button no longer works because some third party code you've added to the page is preventing the page from saving. Unfortunately we cannot support third party code because we didn't write it. That's kind of the risk you take when adding code to the system. You can do it, but when you hit problems like this, you're then on your own.

So, what can you do now? First, using Internet Explorer click the View menu, and make sure your Status bar is turned on. And then go to your public home page. Now look down in the lower left corner and you'll see the little yellow status bar error icon. Double click it. You will see this error:

"Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; HPDTDF; Creative AutoUpdate v1.30.00)
Timestamp: Mon, 10 May 2010 03:00:35 UTC

Message: Syntax error
Line: 1316
Char: 1
Code: 0

Message: 'SHARETHIS' is undefined
Line: 3332
Char: 1
Code: 0

In all this junk the one thing you should note is the error here is related to something called "SHARETHIS". Thus I would look in your source code, figure out where SHARETHIS is, and trying removing that plugin. If that doesn't work you can try removing one third party plugin at a time until your page saves correctly again. Or you can use your built-in backup feature to restore the page prior to the time you added the third party plugin that is not preventing the page from saving again.

FYI errors like this are no fun to solve. If we had to solve this ourselves, we'd have to take the exact same process of trial and error until figuring out which piece of third party code caused this. Hopefully you'll be able to simply identify where "SHARETHIS" is (whatever that is) and remove that plugin, thus solving the problem.

And one final tip: I haven't tried this but often times Firefox will skip right past these types of problems and save the page just fine. IE is far more picky about stuff like this.

Monday, May 10, 2010 at 9:12 AM - Response #6

Good Morning Brad
Here's what I tried to do after your email re: Syntax Error

Went over source to find " Share This " using IE and there's no sign of it. I tried a few times and what I saw was the word share under different topics. So I used the built in back up as far as April 24 and save. But then again it didn't remove because the save change button won't work.
The Syntax error (on view and on status bar) shows on line 1316. Was that supposed to be a warning? Then on line 3332 was the final blow? I don't know if this is even an interpretation but if it is, I would like to cut as far back till the save change button works.

Went back to Firefox today and while it was loading after I clicked save, I got an alert my PC is infected. I'm going to have someone look at it. In the meantime I will go back to source using IE and search for the " Share This" culprit. Although it won't let me save, at least I will be able to point where it is.

Thanks to you and Kyle for helping to dissect this. I first noticed something went when after I clicked save, it took forever to return to normal edit page. It stayed on connecting for 3 -4 minutes .The alert was ; Tab has been recovered, IE has to close, there is a problem with the website. Got this a few times and finally this alert> IE stopped trying to restore. It appears the webpage continues to have a problem. Finally " we were unable to return you to St. Catherines...

A new member joined last night. I guess this makes it a good morning!

Monday, May 10, 2010 at 4:43 PM - Response #7

The programmer looked for "sharethis" in the code and found it (it was "sharethis" not "share this"). Removed offending JavaScript. Should be fine now, but whatever that was, you might want to put it back in there. If it breaks it again you'll know what to remove.

Monday, May 10, 2010 at 8:24 PM - Response #8

You guys are the greatest! There's nothing you can't fix. Truly appreciate your efforts. Thanks.Smile

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